Updated: 14.05.2003
old stories and series no longer being updated.
I. Snow and Infomercials by Tangerine
These two stories are, as far as I know, the only Frostbite/Offramp stories online. They are both very sweet and mooky stories. :)
I. Complications by Tangerine
I have never read a X-Force issue featuring these two, but can anyone resist them after having read Tangerine's stories? I certainly cannot. :)
Complications has sweet, mooky angst. Morning Glory has mooky coming-out. Alegria has lots of Angst. Libertad is Alegria's sequel and not much more cheerful. Me and Julio in the Schoolyard has lots of silly mookyness. Live-Action Porno is a moviefic featuring Shatterstar and Rictor as a couple, and St. John and Bobby as friends who might become something more. Someone Who's Turning is a pretty little story I really, really like.
Tangerine has a page dedicated to the dears, you can find it here. Enjoy. I do.
I. Brothers in Arms by Tangerine
I adore The Authority so I read absolutely every fanfiction featuring those characters. :) I'm particulary fond of Midnighter/Apollo stories. In this one Apollo and Midnighter are on the run after their team has been slaughtered. Bonding occours. I like the Authority's Doctor. The world's Shaman. The guy who used to live in Amsterdam and play Sonic the Hedgehog... You know, the guy with the carrot hair and red coke-bun glasses? The guy in the pic, yeah. Well, Doctor's Sojourn have him mourning over Jenny Sparks. And remembering. And rejoicing. ::smiles::
I. Crush by Alestar
The Crush series is a funny little series written in dialogue only.
It features first Jean and Warren, then Jean and Remy and lastly Remy and Warren. ;)
I. Crush by Alestar
All of these stories features my favorite Cajun, m'sieu Remy LeBeau.
I. In the Dying of the Year by Oberon I don't read a lot of TCP stories, but those I've read have really impressed me. This short story is one of my favorites. For more TCP stories, check out the TCP Warehouse.
I. Some Rain Must Fall by Diamonde
I'm horribly fond of Sam Guthrie. ::grins:: He's just so cuuute! Alex Summers is not too bad he either. ;) In Some Rain Must Fall Alex and Sam find out that they have something in common (and then they have sex in the forest. ::grins again::). In Cloudcover Alex discover that he can't get Sam out of his mind, and in Make it Okay Diamonde's Boys try to get a relationship working. I love the various cameos in that last one. They include Scott (li'l), Scott (big), Cable (those are really fun) and Maddie. And there are oreo cookies. :) Throw A Stone is the last story Dia says she'll write in this series. Good for us it's a great story, neh? Sam is hurt during a mission and Alex can't deal. Good Intentions has Alex doing something stupid.
I. I Saw Mommy Kissing... That Flonquing Bastard Remy LeBeau by Dande
I have a thing for stories which move the characters some years into the future and reveal what's happened to them. They're especially interesting when they are well written and with a touch of 'real life' to them. Dande is good at that.
The Philosopher's Stone has Jean introducing the universe by pondering on her relationship with Remy.
In Stand the Hazard of the Die Domino has been invited over to New Orleans by Remy. Curiosity becomes too much for her and she goes. This one have Cable and Ororo too. ;)
The story I Saw Mommy Kissing... That Flonquing Bastard Remy LeBeau is chronologically the first in the universe and tells how Nathan found out about Jean and Remy. ::snickers::
The next story in the Arc is called Ghosts in Westchester and is set right after Jean & Remy et all returns to Westchester. It's set in six diffrent point of views; Jean, Logan, Ororo, Nathan, Hank and Remy.
How to Make Two Friends into Lovers is about Logan... and Rogue.
In Loner Ruminates Logan makes a promise. And in Aria: Farwell Illusion, Salutation Clearity Rogue gives us her point of view on the Jean/Remy thing.
Midnight Clear is a Christmas story featuring Remy and Jean. Very cute.
I. Mountainside by Dyce
In Mountainside a very young (and very cute) Logan meets someone who is going to mean a lot to him in the years that follows. This is a unique, nice story I like very much. I like Orin, by the way. And, of course, Richard. :) Dyce is working on a sequel too, which makes me go... ::beams:: The Godless Among Them has a special place in my heart. :) Partly because I was there from the beginning when Dyce only had an idea for a story, and partly because it turned into one damn fine story. The main character in the story is Viola/Annie/A-99, but the characterization of the Movieverse people is just too damn good, so read it even if you don't like originals. (Just wait, you'll end up liking Annie as well...) I've a particular fondness for the Scott in this one, by the way... ::beams:: There is a sequel named Slavery, Deliverance, And Faith. Yayness! Eli's posting it on OTL as we speak (well, sorta), and it's way cool too. It's got Annie (of course), a really cute Victor (::grins::) and a very cool Scott, as well as the new characters Geordi and Clari. ::grins:: Okay, so Clari's not exactly a new character, but she's new in EliDyceMovieVerse! ::bounces and beams happily a bit more::
I. The Flip Side by Pebblin [WIP]
In The Flip Side, Ororo wanted change. She definitelly did not mean this kind of change... ::Snickers:: I must admit I'm a bit fascinated by genderswitch stories. They are seldom as good as this one is, however. All the reactions - Ororo's and those around her - are absolutely perfect and utterly hilarious. Take special note of Bobby's and Rogue's reactions...::grins:: This is still a WIP (work in progress), so make sure to e-mail Pebbs and bug her about writing more. Tell her I sent you. ::grins again::
I. The End of the Line by Dannell Lites
As I've already stated, I'm fond of AUs. And I'm espcially fond of those who uses the Canon characters in new, intriguing and 'wow, that kinda makes sense' ways.
I must also admit that I'm quite fond of Wild West type stories. ::grins:: Comes from reading one book too many of 'The Devil's Riders' and Louis L'Amour. What? They're fun!
Now, story related stuff... The End of the Line is from Jean's point of view, but is really Xavier's and Magnus' story. It's... It's just a really nice story. ::grins:: Watch out for Wolverine, Shaw, Jubilee, Emma...
author is dead.
I. Ashes by Farli
Jubilee's one of the characters that is, it would seem, very hard to write without making her into a Mary Sue (more than she already is, I mean. ::g::), but there are author's who can write Jubes in a way that makes her come to live. In Ashes you feel for Jubes when you fully realise how much she lost when her room burned down. But I don't think this is an all sad story. There's a cowboy hat. And an unbreakable spirit. For more Jubilee stories, visit the very well maintained Wolverine and Jubilee page, which also has a very nice layout, biographies and pictures.
I. Taming the Shy Horses by Renard
Ooh! I like this series. It's Logan slash that doesn't make me queasy. Amazing, eh? Renard is a new favorite of mine, and s/he has quite a way with words. Kinda lyrical and poetic and nice and funny and warm and, and... It's just good, okay? Taming the Shy Horses is the first story in the series, and it's charming and amusing and touching. Tangeled Up in Blue has The Morning After jitters. For Your Honor has Logan remembering Mariko. Lyrical and touching. Don't Use the Telephone has Jubilee, a phonecall, a match on tv, and über-cute-ness. In Getting It All Out Kurt comes out to Kitty. Everything's Coming Up Roses is a cute Valentine's Day PWP. Zuzu's Petals is a short X-Mas story in Mook!Bobby's POV. The Way of the Samurai is an amusing dialogue. In Just Like a Woman, Logan comes out to Jean and Jubilee. In Giving Thanks the boys tell the rest of the gang, and in Candid Camera, Jubilee decides to interview people on their reactions to the news.
I. Other Times, Other Destinies by Brian Doyle
I haven't read the AOA, only heard of it. Apparently lots of interesting things happened in it... Apocalypse being the boss of everything, Magneto being the boss of the X-Men... Other Times, Other Destinies is Irene Adler's story, however. At the same time it tells us what happened to Irene, it tells us what happened to Cypher, Daytripper, Mystique, and even Sharon Smith. I think it's interesting.
I. Not Quite Paradise by Cosmic
I like it when dead people bloody well stay dead. I don't like it when canonically dead people are resurrected in fanfiction. ...Or in the comics, for that matter. But that doesn't mean that I don't like stories featuring the dead people as dead people... ::grins:: Welcome to the after life. In Not Quite Paradise, a recently departed Moira meets up with Pete Wisdom in Heaven's equiqualent of a waiting room.
I. Just Wasted Time by Maelstrom
In Just Wasted Time Tintin meets Death, and they chat a bit. Take it Easy is a Christmas story. In Goodnight Girl Tintin goes to Malaysia to visit Chang. Of course, he can't go anywhere without getting mixed up in something... In If You're Gone Tintin finds someone he's been looking for, by accident. Walking After You gives Snowy a chance to say a few words.
I. Life Uncommon by Maelstrom
When one person steps down, another has to take the mantle.
Credits: I got my pictures from the following places: Gay League, tintin.com, Asterix, Comicscontinuum, X-Women, . I'm not entirely sure where from I got Alex, Wolvie and Psychedelia. The following pictures are my own scans: Victor, the Doctor and Male Ororo. The Jamies and Bobby picture was drawn and scanned by GlockGal. 'Oreo Cookies' and 'White Rabbits' are my names on the universe/timelines/whatchamacallits, not the authors's. JB adopted 'Water Lines'. And apparently 'Cowboy Hats and Blue Tails' has been adopted as a name for Renard's series as well. :) The stories are disclaimed seperatly. If you want to contact me for some reason, my e-mail addy is: lady_sascha@hotmail.com. And remember to FEEDBACK THE AUTHORS! More to read: Allegiance, Ric and Shatty, TCP Warehouse, Peeing in the Jean Pool, Alternate Timelines, Water Lines, XXY, Otherwhere, Wolverine and Jubilee page, Nameless, X-Men: The MovieVerse, Love and Lust at Mutant High, Magneto Fanfic Index, [un]frozen