Lookit all these lists . . .

Lists of Things To Do

First, X-Men/superhero lists!

Things the X-Men Would Never Say (later altered to things superheroes would never say).
These are phrases you will NEVER hear a superhero utter.
Top Ten Reasons Why Bishop And Cable Are Secretly The Same Person
Names Superheroes Wanted To Use, But Weren't Allowed

And, set slightly aside because it's so darn cool,
The Heroes and Villain's Rulebook
Every good hero or villain needs one of these handy. Written with many people. If you have any more rules, send 'em in! (Hit the 'back' button to return here)

Words of Wisdom
These bits of wisdom will help you through your everyday life. I hope you benefit from my experiences.

Tag Lines
These are quotes taken from other stories--mostly from fanfics--a few movies, some books, things I really liked. Most of them are silly. Some just had really cool descriptions. I tried to link all of them to an author or webpage where you could find the stories, but I haven't managed all of them quite yet! If you know where a story or author is that I don't have linked, please tell me!

Random paragraphs
Much like the taglines, only longer so they wouldn't fit in my sig line. Le sigh. (It's highly likely this will eventually contain bad language. Or even naughty images. Whahahaha.)

Happy Things
A list of happy things, written by many people.

Writers on Writing
Quotes by writers, about writing.

Life’s Reflections
A very silly little list by someone reflecting on what they’ve learned in their life.

The rest of this is stuff that isn't really related to anything on here. I didn't write it. It's not related to anything I do write. I just really liked them.

Everybody's Free
Kurt Vonnegut's commencement speech.

Everybody's Free (to embrace the Dark Side)
Darth Vader's commencement speech.

The Evil Overlord List
I've lost the link to where I found this. If anyone knows the author, please contact me.

Six Ways To Keep A Reasonable Level Of Insanity
Just a silly little list I found.

Personal Safety Tips
A list of tips on how to stay safe in this dangerous world. Read it. Trust me, here.

For more of this stuff, go to the junk drawer.
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