DISCLAIMER: Neither Bishop nor Cable nor anyone or thing else I mention belongs to me. My sister and I came up with this list, feedback would be appreciated.

Top Ten Ways To Tell That Bishop And Cable Are Secretly The Same Person:

10) Cable is from a future in which the Powers That Be are not good. Bishop is also from a future in which the Powers That Be are not good.

9) Cable can produce a previously unseen energy wielding weapon as big as a truck in less than two panels. Bishop can also produce a previously unseen energy wielding weapon as big as a truck in less than two panels.

8) Cable is one solid color: he has white skin and white hair. Bishop is also one solid color: he has black skin and black hair.

7) Cable has a tattoo on his eye: it is a star. Bishop has a tattoo on his eye: it is an M.

6) Cable worked for a woman whose body did not work. Bishop works for a man whose body does not work.

5) Cable has a long lost sister named Rachel. Bishop has a long lost sister named Shard.

4) Cable's eye glows whenever he is angry. Bishop's entire body glows whenever he is angry.

3) Cable had a woman he dearly loved die. Bishop had a woman he dearly loved die.

2) Cable was a very important person in his chosen field of Askani work. Bishop was a very important person in his chosen field of X.S.E. work.

And the number one reason they are obviously the same person:

1) Cable was raised by Scott Summers, who has red eyes and energy wielding powers. Bishop was raised by Gambit, who, like Scott Summers, has red eyes and energy wielding powers.

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