Banff/Jasper trip 7: Medicine Lake, bears, caribou, sheep, many creatures
Part 2 of the day in which we saw all the animals.
On our way down from Maligne Lake, we decided to stop at Medicine Lake.

It was just around this time when a busload of people stopped by to ask us if we were taking shots of the bear.
“Bear?” I asked.
See if you can spot it in the far right here, before I’d been aware of it:

And then the bear turns up.
Oh wait, you thought it was just one bear? Nah, it was a whole bear family. Bear families turned out to be all the rage that day.

Oh hey, guess what was at that same lake?

So close
This, my friends, was the moment when I finally felt justified in that trip. The whole time we kept seeing signs alerting us of caribou crossings, but naught a single one. It was like a hoax. And then he showed up, and all was right with the world.

Aaaaaaand pretty soon it was a day filled with really cool sights and other wild animals. I should point out I didn’t manage to take pics of the majority that we saw, which should tell you how many they were.

Again, Corene with her animal soundtrack

Guy sittin’ and takin’ pics. Because he can.
I’d like to think Corene deliberately picked the soundtrack in anticipation of every animal we spotted. Like before, and like so: