Birdies against snow

Ze birdies are nice and toasty inside, while wildly fascinated by the white stuff falling outside.
Ze birdies are nice and toasty inside, while wildly fascinated by the white stuff falling outside.
I am incorrigible.
Preeeeeesenting. . . LOLbirdiez!
(This one is dedicated to MA. *grin*)
I’m pretty rotten at captions most times. I remember taking part in this psych experiment/survey once, examining how cartoonists come up with captions for random images. I did awfully. (*wry*)
Pics from my Flickr set.
And now, just ‘cause I can, we have Sinny-babe climbing upside-down to get the last bit of millet that’s out of reach. Girl loves her millet, baby.
Peeps, budding artist that he is, attempting to get his beak around a Tria marker
Sin appearing to goose Herobear but actually chewing the booklet he’s sitting on
There is nothing like a bird randomly giving his chirpiest of chirps as he sits on your left shoulder, and you find your left ear ringing and deaf for the next few minutes.
Oh, Peepster. You don’t know your own strength.
Want to know the secret to melting a girl’s heart?
Be a bird.
Cute-and-fluffy-ness beyond compare.
Not a bird? Sorry, can’t help you there. You’ll just have to suffer.
This past weekend, I nearly lost my Sinny-babe. It happened so fast that there was no time for me to panic, but now that she’s safe and sound and happily munching on rice, I can engage in all the cardiac arrest I want.
She’s such an intelligent, booty-ful bird.
Super-JB (we loveses our precious, yes we do) is at work right now, so I’m noting down random things:
I have gotten tan, and I’m not even in M’sia yet (go Cali). My, is it apparent that I’ve been wearing a halter-top.
You should definitely go to Turtle Talk with Crush if ever you have the chance. It is live, interactive, and hilarious.
“Well, there’s Squirt. . . Shel. . . Shelby. . . Sheldon. . . Shel-a-del-a-ding-dong. . . There’re the twins, Bill and Ted. . . the teens, Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael. . . .”—Crush, in reply to an audience question about the names of his 6400 kids.
Also a favorite: when he referred to a bawling audience baby as a “youngling practicing his dolphin cry.” Awesome.
Earlier that day, S had called me because Peepster would not step up to go back in his cage. Li’l misfit. Sin was better behaved, said S. If anything, I’d‘ve expected it to be the other way around. But S put me on speakerphone, and I told Peeps very clearly that he was to step up and behave, no biting, and ooooh, good bird! Later, S said that as soon as Peeps heard my voice, he must’ve thought, “Whoops, I better behave,” because he did what he was supposed to.
Myself, I’d like to think that he thought, “Hmm, okayyyyy. . . I guess if Mommy supports S and gives her the all-clear, then I’d better accept S’s word, then.” ‘Cause I don’t think he’s given her any trouble after that.
Well, fingers crossed.
(So cute.)