Next stop, Scotland part 2

Jen & Corene, North Berwick, Scotland, in preparation for our Seabird Seafari
Corene clearly anticipating our Seabird Seafari
Jen was rockin’ the waterproofs. Corene’s just thinking about the water.
This was taken immediately after the boat did a sharp turn.
Mark Corene’s corresponding disapproval & Jen’s glee
All those white spots are actually guillemots. Every single one of them. That’s how infested that island is with the seabirds.
When I first shared this pic elsewhere, some idiots would inevitably say that there weren’t that many birds and that the white spots were droppings, not bothering to consider that (a) we were the ones who went there up close and personal and saw for ourselves the thousands of birds on that rock, and (b) one would have to be an idiot to think that in this pic taken later, droppings would be more visible than birds from a distance.
You can tell I’m not impressed by mansplaining idiots.
Tantallon Castle, North Berwick, Scotland – view from the sea
Walking up to Glamis Castle
Highland Games day!
Opening pipe band at the Strathmore Highland Games, Glamis Castle
Highland cows at the castle
One was staring at us. Hard. Then it stopped chewing. And when they stop chewing and just stare at you hard, that’s when you know to back away.
Pointing out the anti-rabbit sign