Conversation snippet: TMI

Director to Actress: “You need to bring it up more, so that you won’t drown in the mood he’s set, as an actor and a character.”

Actor: “Give in to my mood, woman!”

Actress: “I already did that last night.”

Director: “TMI.”

Conversation snippet: Netscape quit

“I’ve been having trouble connecting.”

“Have you tried quitting Netscape and starting it again?”

“How do you do that?”

“. . . Go to File and Quit.”

Conversation snippet: Claws

“Let me see your bow.”

“You don’t like my bow?”

“See, your hands, when you bow, they become like claws. . . I don’t mean to make you self-conscious.”

“Too late!”

At Van Dusen Botanical Garden

Don’t miss the minotaur in the background:

The art sculpture is titled “Minotaur and Hare,” but we couldn’t find the hare. I suspect its carcass is in the minotaur’s hands.

It’s like they’re wearing little hats
Banana trees cuddled up and wrapped warmly for the duration of winter

Conversation snippet: Ice-walking

“I hate walking on ice. Did I mention I hate walking on ice?”

“Hmm. . . once or twice.”

“Are you sure? ‘Cause I could mention it again.”