07 – Australians, I’m all yours – Banff/Jasper 2012

I have no excuse.
I have no excuse.
They had Ice Explorer vehicles so that you could traverse the fields of ice. We have seen too many survival shows and movies to know that getting on one could not possibly end well.
And then we saw sheep! We kept calling them goats but the park authorities are so appreciative when you properly identify them as sheep.
‘Twas the first of many, many wild animal sightings on this trip. Many.
Not included here because I didn’t manage to snap in time: mama & tiny baby sheep just next to us. So very cute, so very close. Baaaaa.
My roomies were not so enamoured by the thumbs-up I gave. They felt it was rather a form of encouragement.
It’s a rather . . . enthusiastic method in which to greet the light of day. On the plus side, the way in which Miss Corene jolts awake cracks me up each and every time.
The majority of this weekend has been spent with ze birdies either cuddled in the crook of my shoulder or napping on my lap. Aw, I missed you too, babies.
One of the best parts is that there are so many random paths to follow.
(Just make sure you don’t end up hiking 5 hours through the valley of beautiful destruction, as occurred during the last time we went to Banff.)
I may have sung a few The Sound of Music tunes during our stay.
And this was Pekoe waiting for her walk:
Her reaction cycle was basically as follows: “Is it time yet? Is it time yet? . . . Noooo. [dejected slink away] Is it time yet? Is it time yet? . . . Nooooo.”