This was done for me by Zanne. Isn't she lovely?

Named by Sascha, this is the series about my own mooks, Bobby (Iceman) Drake and Jamie (Multiple Man) Madrox. KJ, Sascha and Lise get my eternal thanks for beta-ing.

Water Lines takes place in and around the Marvel universe. It happens after X-Factor disbands, when they think Alex is dead, and after they know Jamie's alive. As far as the X-Men are concerned, Claremont never happened.

About Bobby

About Jamie

The Stories

Listed in the chronological order, as opposed to the order in which I wrote them...

Bodies of Water
Bobby and Jamie meet accidentally--and slightly disastrously, and a friendship starts. And grows.
Bobby wasn't sure how Hank had known he was going nuts living with his parents. Bobby'd needed a break for weeks, but didn't feel like he could just leave. And then Hank had said, oh so casually after dinner, "Robert, I'm traversing to a conference of one week's length in Washington and I would be most appreciative of a person other than my humble self with which to converse. I'm afraid that I won't often be available, departing early and not returning until, perhaps, the wee hours of the morn, but mayhap you'd like to traverse with me and keep me company whilst listening to my eloquent soliloquies?"

And Bobby had known using his special Best Friend sense that what Hank was really saying was "Bobby, I can see you're going nuts. Want to have a short vacation? I won't be around much, but if you want out of this house for a while here's your excuse."

Quiet Waters
Bobby's in a plane wreck on his way to see Jamie. [McDragon's Memo: Bad Stuff happens. This isn't an entirely happy story.]
The air smelled like newly turned earth, and scorched grass, and human flesh. Like blood and death and twisted metal. Antiseptic and fear and that sick tang that came with gas. And sweat; human sweat from the crush of bodies behind the police barrier.

Uncharted Waters
Jamie goes to the X-Men with Bobby!
"Hi," Jamie murmured, smiling slightly as he shook Scott's hand. "It's nice to meet you. Alex spoke highly of you."

Scott's mouth twitched upward, wryly. "No he didn't. But thanks."

Jamie blushed. "Well, he spoke of you. And some of it was good."

White Water Rapids
Legacy returns to the X-Mansion.
Even voices, heard only infrequently, were hushed.

Once, Scott bolted into the family room, looking nearly frantic. Then his face fell, and he shook his head. "Jean," he said after a moment, in a whisper. "I thought I felt Jean." He looked hopefully at Betsy, who had joined everyone else. "Have you--?"

Violet eyes fluttered closed. There was just the hint of a flash, leaving the impression of a butterfly on the mind's eye, and then Betsy looked up at Scott and shook her head wordlessly.

Scott seemed to wilt, and went back into his bedroom.

The waiting continued.

Sailing into the Sunset
Written in response to Alestar's Valentines Day challenge, which was just to write a Valentine's Day story!
Jamie grinned, showing dimples that creased his cheeks, and looked back at his paper. "To Bobby, with love, love me."

"Just you?" Bobby asked on a playful sigh.

"All of mes," Jamie corrected, grinning.


Bobby and Jamie(s) by Glockgal

me_and_jamie.gif by JB

Okay, so there are two versions of this. I like them both--but I like the sketch best. Here is the colored version and the rough draft sketch version. I'm the artist.

Bobby and Jamie being mooky by GirlySkin

Bobby and Jamie being cute. by GirlySkin!

Bobby and Jamie yet again! by me! This is my very favorite picture of them I've ever drawn! I even liked it best colored! Woo!

And Miscellaneous Stuff!

Wanna see a silly Bobby and Jamie thing? Click here to check out an interesting conversation that took place in #KJCorner! Names in [ ] mean that person is talking. Names after * means that person is doing something. #KJCorner is a chat room.

Seeing Double
My very own Multiple Man archive!

Jamie! And Jamie! And Jamie!
A page about--you guessed it!--Jamie!

A page about Bobby!

Other Bobby and/or Jamie stories of them NOT as a couple can be found on the Growing Up A Superhero subpage.

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Back to the living room