The Computer Room

...sooooo much. Okay, the dojo (naruto page!) has lots of stories on it, now.

I've started an archive: Hidden Village. Go see. There are lots of good fics. :)

What else? Um. Um um um. You should really see my livejournal for stuff. Really.

Oh! There's another Scott story in X-Mansion.

Okay. Enough. I'm off now!


I have a mailing list, if you'd like my stories hot off the press, and slightly earlier than they hit anywhere else. Write to me and I'll start sending you my McDragon Tails--er, tales. Hee.

I also have a livejournal, where a lot of random crap goes. JB's Livejournal.

From a Naruto story, The Kakashi Mission, I'm writing...

"Ah," Gai said knowingly, bushy eyebrows lifting in understanding. "[Kakashi] likes the Icha Icha Paradise books."

Iruka turned bright red. "Everyone knows that. I'd rather not talk to him about those."

"Ah." Gai thought some more. "He enjoys a good romp."

Iruka turned even brighter red. "I'm not interested in him in that way, Gai-san."

Gai looked at him quizzically. "I meant a battle."

Iruka turned nearly purple. "Of course. Um. So did I."

Gai smiled. "Ah, some of our best romps have occurred in the springtime, when the flowers are in bloom and the blood boils hot in our veins! When romance is in the air and young people are frolicking about! That is when Kakashi and I are at our best, when we get together so we can--"

A choked noise stopped him.

"Iruka-sensei? Are you all right?" He looked a little . . . pained. Gai looked him over, but the smaller man didn't seem to have any injuries.

If you find any kinks, let me know, okay? Thanks.

The File Folders
For more old sneak peeks, check here!


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