Parrotlets! And mostly, Sapphire!
Full Name: Sapphire
Date of Birth: August, 2001
Adopted: May, 2003
Color: Blue
Uncommon Fact: Most parrotlets are between 2.5-3 inches long. Sapphire is somewhere between 2-2.5 inches! Small even for a 'let!

Right. The saga of the parrotlets started when I saw a pair for sale for very inexpensive. Polly and Marie weren't tame, but I was hoping to breed them anyway. That didn't work out too well. When I went home for Christmas, both died. :(

I decided maybe parrotlets weren't for me. This was reinforced when my friend and roommate, Jane, got one (Sneak), and it died, too. And then I got three more, two blues and a green. The first blue, Jay, died within three days. The other two, Emerald and Sapphire, were wild but hung out.

Then Jane got another one. That also died (I'm bad, and don't remember the name of that one.). Then Emerald died. At this point, I decided I didn't want to breed parrotlets anymore, took Sapphire, and stuck her in the cockatiel's cage. They were thrilled.

Sapphire was born in August of... oh, let me think... 2001. She was a hand-fed baby bird, so in theory she could be tame. *coughyeahrightcough*

We're still working on that tame part. She knows not to bite (she doesn't like the bathtub) but that's about it. I think she's planning my death...

Honestly, I like her quite a lot. She's cute. She's small. She's blue. Heh. Blue. She also beats up on Confetti, which is okay, 'cause he beats up on her. Periodically she'll jump down to the perch all three 'tiels are sitting on, and bap at them. They look at her like she's lost her mind. For this reason, I may eventually get her another parrotlet friend. In the meantime, she's getting along with the 'tiels, and she likes Em. I'm not sure if the feeling's mutual, because Em's always giving her wary looks, but they eat out of the same dish. It's cute. :)

This is Emerald and Sapphire, Christmas 2003. I'll give you one chance to guess which is which...

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