In response to Kaylee's "Oh, is that all you want me to do?!" challenge, AKA the "Drop of a hat" challenge, AKA the blow Kaylee away challenge.

This kinda came to me. Hope it's good. Please tell me if it is. :)


Do you know who I am?

Do you know how I fight for you, every chance I get?

Can you see that I love you, that I would never leave either of you?

You are my sons. But you cannot come with me.

I go now, to fight an evil I have yet to face. I do not know if I will ever be back. I do not know if I will see you again, or even if you will live after today. You see, my sons, my wonderful boys, I do not know what comes for me.

This earth is dying. Around us, and in flames. And there is only one way out. I give it to you, with my love and my heart. I pray you will remember me. I don't believe you will.

I love you.

But I must leave you.

I must leave you alone to fight the bogeymen and monsters of this world, and pray you find your way through. Stay together, my sons.

I go to die. I die because you must live.

I don't tell you this. I lie. I tell you I'll see you again, soon. I pray you will forgive me. I have to save my world, you see. I have to save you. So I have to die.

I will never see you grow. I will not see your weddings, or any children you may have. I will never give you gifts just for being who you are.

I cannot give you my love, for I must take it and yours with me into battle. So I give you your lives. Please live them well.

I beg of you.

Do what is good and noble and just and. . . .

And. . . .

Remember me. Please?

I go now to fight the evil that comes, in the hopes that it will give you time to escape.

Your father is shouting. He holds me tight, and I love him, but it is you my heart is with.

I have to leave you.

But I will always love you.

As this world dies around me, going down in flames with horrible shrieking sounds as if the plane itself is dying, I pray the world below is safer for you.

Scott, take care of your brother. Do what is right.

Alex, live life without bitterness, or regret.

I'm sorry. I never meant to leave you. The plane is crashing, and there is light, and the earth below along with my sons is . . . gone.

I do not know what I face now.

I pray you do not follow me.

You are loved.


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