
Can you believe it? There are two people who were going to send me stories. It still hasn't happened. *sniff* Senvik, you're not my friend anymore!

Ha. Yeah you are...

Okay, but... I have these: Things Other People Wrote
Came from bits of fic, often Subreality Cafe stuff

[Pistol] quickly returned to his normal able-to-kill-with-just-a-glare-and-a-potato look.
--my birthday present-story from Maelstrom--

"Do you know how many times he's screwed with the Summers' minds? Especially my Nate's?"
"Naw, that's not true," Pistol yawned. "Nathan's mind was already screwed up long before he ever met Sinister."
--Domino/Pistol in my birthday present-story from Maelstrom--

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