I know it's a little late since this seems to have died down, but I didn't know what was going on! Anyway, here's my contribution to the Subreality Cafe!


Lockheed hissed the last Gambit, Ash, out of the room, then closed and locked the door. "Are we all assembled for the eighth annual meeting of the Pets Of Fanfics?"

A resounding bedlam of noise answered his question. "Good. As the longest standing member of POF I hereby welcome the newbie, Anya."

Anya sat up, letting everyone admire her beautiful feline coat.

"N'Gari, if you'll read the minutes of the last meeting?"

N'Gari flapped up to the bar stool (which was used as a podium) and got out his papers, putting his glasses on while being careful not to get mud on the seat from his new red Nikes. "Welcomed newbies. Pulled Lion off of Gambit the cat. Pulled Lion off of me. Pulled Lion off of Lewis." he stopped and looked up. "I think we outta chain Lion to the wall."

Lion snarled, unsheathing one paw's worth of claws.

N'Gari flapped his wings in a panic, screeching loudly. "SOMEONE STOP HIM! SOMEONE STOP HIM! HE'S GOING TO KILL ME! {SQUARK!}"

Lion leapt up, then pulled his jump short at the sight of the small fire breathing dragon, landing on Gambit. Gambit hissed back, his green eyes narrowing. Leaping out from under Lion's paws he jumped on Lewis, who pulled his head and feet into his shell.

Anya sat up, watching with great interest as Tiger and Rainbow used the distraction to attack Artie and Leech, the mice. They screamed and ran for the nearest cover, which happened to be Anya herself. She licked her chops and dove for the rodents, colliding heads with Tiger.

Lockheed flew over at the screams from the mice, trying to save them and leaving Lion to get N'Gari. N'Gari screamed and fainted, then hung from the seat by one foot. As Lion started to pull him off he woke up, apparently never having passed out, and flew into the air, Lion holding his tail.


Lion would've grinned if he'd been able to. He shook his head, still holding onto the end of N'Gari's tail. Then he stepped on Lewis's shell. His paw slipped and he fell, letting go of N'Gari. N'Gari flew up to the ceiling, where he clung to the lamps so he could hiss and squark down at Lion.

Gambit, deciding that chasing N'Gari looked like fun, started to climb up the curtains on the window. Soon he was at ceiling height, almost able to reach N'Gari. N'Gari screamed and flew from the roof in a flutter of wings, landing right on Rainbow who had cornered Artie and Leech.

Rainbow hissed, struggling under leathery wings, and fell over. Lion finally got up, being very careful not to step on Lewis again, and started bounding toward N'Gari. That little thing would be his.

Lockheed screamed, remembering why they'd canceled the meeting last time, and flew after Lion, flames pouring from his mouth. Somewhere along the line Gambit fell from the curtains, landing smack on Lockheed's back and causing him to swallow flames. His eyes got big and started to water as his belly had to deal with the fire. Finally his mouth opened and he screamed, shooting flames at Anya, who happened to have Artie in her mouth. She spit the rodent out and ran, her beautiful fur singed. Lion's tail caught on fire and he roared, then bit down on the nearest thing, Tiger. Tiger yowled and clawed Gambit, who dug his nails into Lockheed's back.

"THAT'S IT! THIS MEETING IS OVER! EVERYONE OUT!" N'gari screamed loudly. He was breathing hard, teeth bared as silence reigned.

"I'm going home!!!!!!!" Leech cried, sneaking out under the door. Magneto came in a split second later, followed by Chiya, Jubriella and Pete.

"Wow," Jubriella said smiling, "Didn't this happen last time too?"

"My poor cat!" Magneto declared, picking the singed Anya up and carrying her out.

#Mine too# Chiya said in sign language, pulling Lion out.

"HE STARTED IT!" N'Gari squacked from under Gambit. Remy arrived just then to take his cat back and Banshee came to get N'Gari. Jubriella picked up Artie (Leech had already left), leaving only Rainbow, Tiger, Lockheed and Lewis. Tornado walked in, picking up his cats Rainbow and Tiger, telling them that there was no way they were going to another POF meeting.

Lockheed looked at Lewis and Pete Wisdom, then sighed. "Well Lew, I guess this means that this meeting is over. See ya next week!"

Lewis nodded and started to amble out, only to be scooped up by Wisdom. "You heard him talk too, didn't ya?"

Lewis nodded sleepily.

"You'll tell the others, right?"

Lewis nodded again.

"YES! He'll tell! He'll tell!" Pete said, dancing around the room much to Lockheed's horror.

Chris Bachalo walked in just then, looked around for a minute, then took Lewis out of Pete's hands. "I thought you might be here. You're needed in a Gen X comic!"

Pete watched as his only salvation was carried out the door.

Lockheed grinned. "This meeting of Pets Of Fanfiction is officially over!"


Tell me what you thought!

In order of appearance:

Lockheed's from Excalibur
Ash is from Lori's story Ash
Anya is Magneto's cat in Lori's story Ash
N'Gari & Lion are mine from One Month Of Terror and A New Home
Gambit the cat is from Gambit's Cat-asrophe by Jacque Koh
Lewis is the Gen X turtle (Points for anyone who can figure out my twisted, late-at-night thinking in naming him Lewis!)
Rainbow and Tiger are both from Aaron Thall's Teen Two
Artie and Leech the mice are from Jubriella by Brooke (Great story BTW, go read it!)
SC is Kielle's

All right, I think that's it! Thanks for letting me steal these guys!
Now I'm giving 'em back!


Never buy a car unless it can stop on a mime.
--Words of Wisdom--

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