The Slap-Dash History of Shatterstar

Not a whole lot of detail is known about Shatterstar's early life (which is good, 'cause I'd get bored writing this bio). He was created from the genetic material of Longshot to be an arena warrior on Mojoworld, 200 years in the future. He fought. He won. A lot. He got good ratings (it was all for TV, see). His real name is Gaveedra 7, or Benjamin Russell. I'll explain that later.

So. Shatty decided he didn’t want to be a slave anymore, so he broke free and joined the Cadre Alliance. You know. Rebels. Woo, rebels! Then he ended up on earth, present time, with the New Mutants. I don’t know how. Ask Tangerine. He was going to help Cable, and in turn Cable was going to help him and the Cadre Alliance. Shatty held up his end of the bargain, but then apparently forgot about the rest… Cable didn't remind him… Le sigh. But! It means we get to keep Shatterstar. WOO!

Shatterstar and Rictor became fast friends. (This is also the time when those of us who think they're gay believe they hooked up. Other people say they're just good friends. Good friends who apparently share a bed, a la X-Force annual # askTangerine.) During this time, Domino blabs to everyone that Shatty's real name is Gaveedra 7. Heh. Also, Shatty discovers television. Since his homeworld culture is based around television, he treats it like a god. He watches TV ALL THE TIME and is a total channel surfer.

Ric leaves to deal with his gun running family. Poor Shatty is very sad and broken up. Then there's this whole Benjamin Russell thing.

Shatty starts getting memories that aren't his. Then Spiral says he's actually Benjamin Russell. Then they find out that Benjamin Russell is a dude in a coma. Then Shatty dies (or something like that) and his brain is put into Russell's body, and suddenly Russell has long hair.

I know. We'll just pretend like it didn't happen. Don't ask how Shatty could still have his powers in Russell's body. It goes with the long hair mystery. The good part is, Rictor returns to help Shatty out with all the stress.

Shatty and Ric head off to do this Mexico thing that I've mostly forgotten about. Many years later, after X-Force has ended, there's a LS. Woo! Drawn and plotted by Liefeld. Not so woo. Le sigh. Anyway, apparently Shatty has been hanging out with monks, trying to learn peace and whatnot. They tell him he's failed pretty spectacularly (and are monks really allowed to say stuff like that?) and Cable asks Shatty to join him again fighting some Big Bad. Shatty does, after Cable mentions there will be much fighting and slaughter. Our cute li'l alien is all about the fighting and slaughter, see.

Oh yeah, Shatterstar is also married, but he's never met her. Her name is Windsong, and their genetic material was going to be mixed to create a new warrior or somesuch. Terribly romantic, hmm?

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