DISCLAIMER Questors belong to HB, January, February and Pterydactle belong to ME!!! HA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!! Okay, I'm calm now. Just one more, HA!
Shadowy Domain ch 3
"'Kay, you guys ready to be confused?" January (they thought) smiled brightly and sat down. "The serum they injected Race with is hereditary."
Benton glanced over at Jessie quickly. "You mean Jessie could be injected with a . . . what did you call it, starter? And she'd be a weapon x?"
January cocked her head, biting her lip. "Kinda. More like, Jessie could have powers right now."
Hadji's mouth dropped. "But we have seen no such thing!"
"Well, it doesn't always work that way. Most of the time they don't have any powers, occasionally they have latent powers, where they're there but they don't ever surface, and once in a long while they have active powers. Jessie just doesn't have active powers."
"Wait, wait, wait. You mean to tell me that I'm . . ." She stopped and swallowed, then looked from Jonny to January and back again, green eyes wide.
"A meta-human." January finished firmly. "Nothing else. And only maybe. That's what we need to find out. You could possibly help us find Race, and if need be we can help you learn to use your power, since it might be explosive."
Jessie's eyes got wider. "Explosive? Oh, my head hurts." She put her head in her hands, rubbing her eyes with her palms. Jonny reached over and put his hand on her shoulder reassuringly.
"All we want to do is put a jump start on you, if nothing happens then go home and we'll try to find Race some other way."
Jessie shook her head tiredly. First her father's kidnapped, then his old partner comes back from the dead, then January and February come back from the dead, then she's told she might have super powers? And the day started out so wonderfully!
She sat up, took a deep breath and gave a half hearted smile. "Sure. I mean, the odds of me having powers are what? a hundred to one?"
"Mmm, more like a thousand." January smiled, not adding, 'to six hundred.'
"What if I change my mind?" Jessie didn't really think she would, not if it would help get her dad back, but she thought she'd ask the question.
"Then we pull the jumper off your head and send you home. No biggie."
Jessie took a shaky breath and walked to the big chair they indicated.
"Just a minute, how does this thing work?" Benton stood up, walking to the small contraption Risk held.
"I really don't know. Ask January, she designed it."
"It just boost the neurons in the right sector of the brain, starts a chemical reaction to get whatever power that her body might be hiding started, and strengthens her will, control and a few other things to make her power easy to handle." January said, shrugging. She took it from Risk and placed it on Jessie's head, making the young woman look as though she was wearing a high tech headband with bars down the side of her face.
Jessie looked around, nervous. "Is this gonna hurt?"
"Not one whit. I wear one when I get really tired so I don't have to work at controlling my power. Aaaand, it's already on and recording info." January said, smiling.
"Oh." Jessie didn't seem too relieved.
"She's got a derivative of a telepathic power, but something that's not been recorded yet." February announced from another console.
Dr. Quest looked up uncomfortably. He really wasn't sure about this.
"Jess, I want you to close your eyes and look for your father." Risk said easily. Jessie did what she was told, listening as Risk gave her more instructions. "Try to find his thoughts, his molecular structure, anything you can think of, do it."
Jessie thought hard. She didn't feel anything, just stupid. How was she supposed to find his molecular structure? Ridiculous! He had been kidnapped, and she missed him but--she stopped. There, she could see him. In her minds eyes he was hanging on a wall, chains around his wrists. Someone was giving him a shot of something, a lady with red and black hair. She "pulled back", looking to see what the rest of the place looked like. Pulling back father she saw the outside, then the surrounding area. It was in an ocean. A tiny man-made island. And there--those teeny islands looked like--
Her eyes snapped open, crystal clear. "I've found him."
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