Hey guys! Guess what?! I have the best news! First, many thanks to everyone who prayed and thought of my uncle for the past little bit, the doctor told him he was dying and there was nothing left to do, that the cancer was killing him. :( So he tried something his doc said didn't work called hydrazine sulfate (I'm probably spelling that wrong--oh well!) and he feels GREAT!!!!! He's eating again (he had totally stopped, he'd get full after eating half a bowl of cereal and he only weighed 120 pounds, which is really bad since he used to weigh about 200. He also is diabetic and so to not eat is really bad!) and he's feeling so good he's doing stuff! He goes to work and goes to play golf again, he's started seeing his friends and things again, it's great! He's off the morphine, which he was taking often because he was in so much pain, and he's not hurting at all now! We don't know yet if the cancer has receded, they haven't been back to the doctor. But even if he still dies (and we now have some hopes that he won't) at least he's able to do things again! Thanks for your support everyone, and now that I've got that out of my system (actually, I haven't but I'll stop talking about it!) I'll let you get on with the story! Again, thanks!

DISCLAIMERS SOLD HERE! Colin, Kit, Dana, January and February are mine, but no one else is. Batteries not included, small parts may be harmful to children under 8, no money is being made off this, please do not tear off the tag, if these precautions aren't followed we will not be held responsible for the consequences, excessive reading may cause wear and tear on your eyes, excessive typing may cause wear and tear on your nerves and those of the people around you. Hanna Barbera does not belong to me and I never said it did, it was all a lie. I didn't do and you didn't see me do it so you can't prove that I did. I do not actually sell disclaimers, so don't ask. I will give away disclaimers if you want, but I cannot be held responsible for the actions or statements made therein. This is not good for eating, please do not ingest it. If you do see a doctor immediately. Do not get in you eyes, for reading enjoyment only. Please do not sue because I have no money and what little money I do have needs to be used to buy my bird a new cage. Thank you and enjoy the show.

Lost in Shadows ch 4

Colin watched closely as his brother approached, looking slightly unsteady on his clawed feet. Risk followed him, crashing through the underbrush and sounding more like an elephant then a small woman.

Dana jumped out of the tree, landing just in front of her lost brother. "Kit! We were so worried! I'd thought you'd died or something!"

He smiled faintly, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tightly to him. "No, I didn't die."

Jonny frowned, trying to see through the dark to look at what was around Kit's head. Something wasn't right. He looked at Colin, who was standing away from his brother and watching.

Colin turned and walked to Jonny, leaning close to whisper in his ear. "Kit smells wrong."

Jonny looked at the cat, eyeing the dark features. "What do you mean?"

Colin shrugged helplessly, unable to put into words what it was he sensed. "He's just . . . wrong."

February walked up behind them, brows furrowed. "What's he wearing around his head?"

Jonny peered into the darkness, staring at what looked like a headband. "Maybe it's to keep his hair out of his eyes."

February looked at Jonny, waiting until he looked back. "Do you really believe that?"

He shook his head slowly. "No."

"Colin! I need your help with something!" Risk said, beckoning.

Colin walked forward cautiously, eyeing her. She had a headband too.

Jonny pulled February, thus far unseen by Risk, back into the shadows where they could watch undetected. Something was really wrong. Jonny tried to grab his father's arm as he walked out from under the hollow the root system made, but Benton didn't even see them.


She turned to look at him, her eyes hooded. "Yes?"

"You need help?"

She nodded slowly.

The three of them, Risk, Benton and Colin, disappeared into the shadows, while January walked closer to Kit and Dana. "Dana?"

The girl didn't move.

Kit looked up, tears in his yellow eyes. "I think something's wrong."

January ran up, forgetting her sisters warnings, and took the limp form of the girl.

Kit jumped while her attention was turned, slashing at her throat with his deadly claws. January didn't even have time to react before Kit lashed out again, breaking her neck with a twist of his hand.

February started to lurch past Jonny, into the open to go help her sister. He grabbed her waist, pulling her back against his chest and pinning her arms with one hand, while covering her mouth with the other, preventing the scream he could hear coming.

"It's okay, it's okay. She's got a healing factor, remember? She'll be fine. Kit knew that. It's okay."

Risk walked up behind Kit, looking at the two people laying at his feet, January's neck already healing.

"Did you get Benton and Colin?" he asked quietly.


A guard came up behind them, checked pulses and gave January enough sedative to kill a horse. "Are there any left?"

Kit looked around, sniffed the air. Dimly, over the blood, he could smell Jonny and February. He looked back at the man, his expression blank as he fought the reprogrammer. "No."

The man nodded and turned, walking back to the transport where the bodies were to be put.

Jonny loosened his grip on Feb as he heard the rest of them leave. He let her go, then reached forward and caught her as she fell. "It's okay, we'll find them. We will."

She just nodded, trying to choke back most of her tears. Wrapping her arms around Jonny's neck she cried, wracking sobs that tore through the night.

"We'll find them, Feb. I promise. Your sister, my father and the cats. We'll find them, and we'll get whoever did this."


Jessie swung up into the tree, climbing quickly. Theresa sat in the bushes where Jessie had put her when they'd heard the plane. Race climbed up after his daughter, knife held clenched in his teeth.

Jessie'd known there was something wrong the moment she saw him. The smile he wore was false, his eyes tormented. He'd had a headband on, an odd thing that looked as if it were covered in microchips. When he'd attacked her she'd known that someone else was in control. And that someone wanted her dead.

Race fought the reprogrammer, even as he felt as though lightening shot through his brain. He wouldn't kill his only daughter. He wouldn't.

As though he was swimming through a thick bog, fighting every inch of the way, he grasped control of his body for just an instant, slackened his jaws, forcing his body to drop the knife. The hunting blade fell, slicing at his arms and shoulders as it did so. A soft thunk told him it'd hit the ground, and as his body slipped back out of his control he felt himself turning and hurrying down the tree to retrieve it. Again he asserted control, finding it easier this time, and let go, falling the ground and twisting his ankle as he landed oddly.

Up above, Jessie switched branches, reached out and grabbed one from a different tree. Quickly she climbed over, moving away from him.

Race's body, once again out of his control, stood up, picked up the knife and leaned back as if to throw it at the redhead.

Again he wrested his body back, launching the knife instead into the wood, pushing it so deep he knew he wouldn't be able to get it out again without some work. He shook his head, trying to clear the cobwebs from his brain. He knew if he worked at it he could keep control, he could feel it getting easier.

Above, Jessie stopped and looked down, watching her father. "Dad?" Her voice was quiet, uncertain.

"Keep going, Jess," Race got out, clutching his head while he fought the programming. He wouldn't kill his daughter.

His guard swore, watching the readouts. How many times had he said that they shouldn't use humans when reprogramming? "only use the cats" he'd warned, but had anyone listened? No. No one ever listened. Snapping a switch angrily into the air he watched as Race Bannon contorted, then fell to the ground, unconscious. Bah. Now they'd have to re-start the programming, let the girl go for now and heal Bannon. It wasn't worth it. But did anyone listen to him? Nnnnnoooo.


One more time: MY UNCLE'S DOING BETTER! Okay, I'm done now.

Did you know . . .
A lion's roar can be heard up to five miles away.

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