Some are mine. Some aren't.

Growing Up A Superhero 4e
Angel of Death

Edan watched the screens as the boy woke up. Keeping him on drugs the past few days had worked. The powers had manifested, and what was left of his mind was pain riddled. It couldn’t have worked out better if I’d planned it, Edan thought to himself, Which, of course, I did.

Sighing, he unfolded from his chair and stretched. Time to go meet the boy.

He walked down the hall, putting his palm to a panel near the sealed door to the room where the child was kept. The twin lay on the floor, soaked in sweat, what was left of his clothing clinging to his skin. His eyes were feverish, though he had no fever, and he whimpered as North drew near.

The tall man knelt beside the child, his black silk blouse a stark contrast against the paleness of the boy’s skin.

“You work for me,” he said quietly, making the child work to hear his words, “And I’ll stop the pain. But you must surrender your mind.”

Cal had been hurting so badly for days now, he wished he would die. At that moment, he would have made a deal with the Devil. In fact, he did.

The movement as he nodded was almost too much, causing such pain to course through his body that he thought for a moment he might really die. But the moment past, and he was still in the company of pain.

North smiled and beckoned to the woman, Alyson. She came forward slowly, her face scarred badly from war. She was a renagade, one of the government agents that had gotten loose after getting her powers. She knelt by the child’s head, smiling. He jerked back when she touched his face, but her smile just widened as she reached a little farther to make the connection.

“You said you wouldn’t fight it. Do and I’ll make your life Hell.”

Cal looked at her in fear, knowing there was nothing he could do. He thought he was in Hell, she could make it worse. As the Blackness claimed his mind once again, he seemed to remember that this had happened once before. Then he was shattered, and only the Blackness was left.


Jonny sat with the police officer, Kit perched on the arm of a chair. He had changed his image inducer slightly, made it look exactly like him except for the fur and tail. Even his ears were slightly pointed. His amber eyes with the slit pupils looked more then odd, they were endearing, curious and terrifying in turn. His lean face with it’s tilted eyes, long fingers, long legs. All strived to make him look . . . unusual. Jessie said it made him look exotic, mysterious, and the women loved it. Jonny wouldn’t know.

“So you say he was mad, and he ran away?” the older officer was saying.

Jonny nodded.

“How many days ago was this?”

“About three.”

The cop looked at his form, then up at Jonny. “We’ll do what we can. I’d call his friends though, chances are he’s hiding out until you’re worried, then he’ll come home. I see it all the time.”

Jonny nodded, shook the officer’s outstretched hand. “Thanks, Mike. I appreciate it.”

Michael J. Montgomery just smiled and tipped his hat at Jessie, avoided Kit who had been glaring at him the whole time, and left.

“Well,” Jonny said, sitting. “We’ve been through legal channels, illegal channels, and everything inbetween. We’ll find him at some point.”

Kit found it utterly ironic that the child they were looking for so hard came through the door just then.

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