The Junk Drawer

Like I said, this here is . . . stuff.

Oooh, I really, really liked these stories, and they're short. Virgin Soup for the Dragon sort of things!

Information, Please
To Remember Me
The Starfish
"The Thousandth Man" by Kipling
"I Walked by a Bench the Other Day" by Nhoj
How Do You Live Your Dash?
Hello, David
Twas the night of Thanksgiving
How To Be A Good Wife (in the 1950s)
The Dragon Song
Bonsai by Maelstrom
Mr. Boggs by SARK
Chain Letter
Stories written for me

This story was written by Em-Spider, for me, because I hadn't been to the hospital for an injury in so long. She's so sweet!

My Birthday Present
This was a story by Maelstrom (whom we love. HUGS, Maelie!) for my 19th birthday!

A New Kinda Perspective
This was a present to me from Lise, in response to A Brief Kinda Interlude.

Another present to me from Lise, written off the cuff in IRC because I was bugging her.

The Tale Of The McDragon
Oh, man. Maelstrom wrote this for me, and it’s hilarious!

A drabble
Written by Comicastaway in response to a livejournal exchange.

Other Stuff

A paper, not a story. This is my argument paper on why Stan Lee and Jack Kirby are the most influential men in comics.

Silly Disclaimer
You don't really need me to tell you what this is, do you?

The Post Deity Purchase Questionaire
It'll make sense when you read it.

Bird Stories
Stories (and poems) written by people because I liked birds, or because something I said about my birds inspired them, stuff like that.
My Birds (with apologies to Robert Louis Stevenson)
My Birds 2
A Theory of Flight

SouthernCon photos

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