Manna La Droit is an excellent Due South writer and I thought that instead of recomending all of her stories seperatly, I should just recommend that you all storm right over to Miss La Droit's page and read everything on it. Go. Now.
If you like good writing, humor and superpowered teens, run straight over to the SEARCH page and read! You won't regret it, I promise you.
Sooner or later, I hope you'll also be able to find T'Kuro Grym's new story, Mantraps, there.
Mantraps arrived in my OTL mail the 14th of June and instantly perked me up. Even made me forget, for a little while, that I was reading it at school since my computer had broken down a week before. As in The Waning Dark the characterizations are spot on and I really, really want to know what happens to Midnighter. You see, Midnight is sick. But, he can't get sick, so how can that be? Apollo is, naturally, worried and decides to wake Jenny Sparks up. Now, I don't know T'Kuro Grym personally, but I'm sure if you ask nicely s/he'll be happy to mail you a copy of Mantraps 1/3. Hell, believe me, it's worth a try.
I adore Diamonde's Boys. I really do. That's why I was so thrilled when Diamonde posted Make It Okay to OTL. She posted a part everyday for four days and knowing that when I logged on, I would find a Make It Okay part, well, that just made my day for those four days. ::sighs happily again:: For those of you who doesn't know who Diamonde's Boys are, they're a terribly mooky version of Sam Guthrie and Alex Summers. And they have oreo cookies. How can anyone resist?
And to complete my rec-almost-everything-new-on-Mooksville (I just realised it ::grins::), TM (what a nifty nn) has written a story featuring m'sieu Remy LeBeau, the New Orleans thief, and Ororo Munroe, the pickpocket from Cairo. Catching Fire is, besides the first het story I've read in ages, a fun, touching and mooky story. It's a story I've been wanting to read ever since I discovered the wonderful world of X-Men fanfiction. :)
I've a friend. Her name is Maelstrom and she writes excellent stories which I love. I especially like her SEARCH series. It's an amalgam fanfiction series featuring a bunch of characters and I love 'em all. I'm particulary fond of one named Jack though, so when I won third place in Maelie's banner contest, I asked her if she could, as my prize, write a story where I got to meet Jack. Well, not me exactly, just a character with my name, but still... (Yes, I blushed lots and lots before I managed to ask her that) Being such a dear, Maelie-Love did it. In her story Just Dance, there's a cameo of yours truly. ::beams::
I've a fondness for the Authority, so naturally whenever I see an Authority fanfic, I immidiately settle down to read. Oh and what a pleasure that's been. Few fic as there are, there's not a single bad one. ::sighs happily:: By the way, Alicia McKenzie maintains a place called Allegiance where you can find Authority and Stormwatch fanfiction.
Matt Nute has written a The Authority story called Generator and believe me, that story is a pleasure to read. It's written in such a way that you actually find yourself wondering if this isn't Canon. Which, by the way, it ought to be. ;) I've heard a similar story somewhere before. Wish I could remember where... ::frowns::
There are some new Mooks in town! More precisely, Mel's got to very nice little stories called When the Sun Rose and Humming the Same Song where Alex Summers (y'know, I'm really starting to like that guy) and Bobby Drake become something more than friends. The stories have pool, a delicious kiss and balloons. Lots of them. I think I'm in love. ::grins::
The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams is one of my favorite book series, so naturally, when I saw that Coyote and Bunny had written a Hitch-hiker/Highlander/Phantom Menace crossover, I got curious. After having read the stories, I have only one thing to say about the two stories: They're bloody hilarious! Go read The Highlander's Guide to Hitchhiking in the Star Wars Universe: The Crossover Menace and Episode Two: The Return of the Abomination (that one has Maul and Krycek) right this instant!
Next time: The Generation X Fanfiction Recommendation vol. 1