Updated: 11.02.2003
It sounds like a manga, doesn't it? Pretty Boy Kittens, I mean, but I think it fits them.
It took somewhat longer than I'd expected, but, lo! The page is now up and running! :) All stories are archived with permission from the authors.
I. Burrow by Jane St. Clair Ah, the fiercesome twosome. My only One True Pairing in the entire Lord of the Rings thingamajig. I have loved the two since I first saw them nick Gandalf's fireworks. I'm not sure what the attraction is, exactly. It's their closesness, certainly, and their joy, and their pranks, and their bravery and the way they, like all hobbits, are so very much. In Burrow the hobbit side show to pieces set in the Shire. It's a gentle story. I like it for the underlying soul. I think of it as the soul of hobbits, actually. Guardians reveal another side of them again. The care Merry and Pippin have for each other become obvious when one of them is injured. And for some reason the line; "Rest easy, perian. You will see your Peregrine." sticks in my mind. It's abridged, but that's how I remember it. Read it and see how it actually goes, eh? In The Indecencies of Youth Merry thinks they're getting too old to blame it on youth, Pippin disagrees. The Sweet Purity of Apples is set before Merry and Pippin become the fiercesome twosome. There's a page dedicated to the two called the Merry/Pippin slash archive where you can find more fanfiction.
I. They Say of the Elves by Brancher
These two grew on me, I must admit. Mainly through watching The Two Tower, but the extended version of the Fellowship have some lovely moments as well. These are the star-crossed ones. The ones that work, even though they really shouldn't. They are shield brothers with all the fierceness and tenderness it implies. They are fighters.
They Say of the Elves was the first Legolas/Gimli story I read, and it's brilliant and funny. I also credit it with being so good, every other Legolas/Gimli fic must necessarily pale in comparison. It's hard to explain. You have to read it. Untying Knots is bittersweet and funny and set during the Fellowship's stay in Lothlorien.
There's a page dedicated to the two called Axe and Bow where you can find fanart, fanfiction and information about the characters.
I. Kinetics by Naina
M'boy Billy. The brattiest thirty-something I've ever seen, I swear. There's the accent, of course, which I like because it ensures that he's the only one I know by hearing. The sense of humor. His bond with Dominic Monaghan and their utterly insane, inane games. The strange maturity which still manages to shine through somehow. And his beautiful version of Pippin Took.
In Kinetics Dom goes back to Glasgow with Billy. I love the sentence: ‘there goes that actor Mr Boyd and his young fellow’. It's a bit awkward at places, but generally good. :)
Subversion is a sort of between-the-gaps fic that fits in Sabotage (which you've got to read first). What really went on in that chair?
Visit Billy Boyd's Official Page for more information, as well as Real Player interviews which go in pretty good detail of his life thus far. There are sixteen interviews. Four of them transcripted. I'm still hoping some poor smitten soul will do the other twelve transcripts...
I. Kinetics by Naina
Dominic Monaghan is a strange one. When I think of him, I think stars, trees and lollipops, which, you know, isn't the worst of combinations. A cameleon in stories, I'm never sure if he's showing his true colours. Tends to end up more on the cynical side of the scale than Elijah does.
In Kinetics Dom goes back to Glasgow with Billy. I love the sentence: ‘there goes that actor Mr Boyd and his young fellow’. It's a bit awkward at places, but generally good. :)
Subversion is a sort of between-the-gaps fic that fits in Sabotage (which you've got to read first). What really went on in that chair?
Then there's Butterfly Eyes wherein Dom sees things that aren't there, and thereby manages to to avoid seeing the forest.
For all sort of Dom things, check out Dominic Monaghan
I. Natural Progression by Zarah The main reason this place has 'kittens' in the name. Affectionate, amusing, talented, pretty, and yet he's somehow managed to worm his way into my reader's heart. It may be his shirts. Natural Progression takes place during and after a movie premiere, while braiding in past events. Funny. Sabotage is a group fuck-fic with undercurrents. Very hot, very good. From Orlando's point of view. The fellowship celebrate Elijah's twenty-first. For all sort of Orlando things, check out Orlando Multimedia.net.
I. Butterfly Eyes (or how I learned to smoke) by Chelle
Geek boy numbero uno. Occasionally very fascinating to watch. Talented actor. Freaky eyes. Smokes. Bites his nails. ...Bendy.
Then there's Butterfly Eyes wherein Dom sees things that aren't there, and thereby manages to to avoid seeing the forest.
For all sort of Elijah things, check out Frodo and Sam.net.
I. Natural Progression by Zarah
The artist of the lot. Soft spoken, picture taking, strange sense of humor. Tends to be paired with either Orlando or Sean Bean. I like him, weirdo that he is.
Natural Progression takes place during and after a movie premiere, while braiding in past events. Funny.
Sabotage is a group fuck-fic with undercurrents. Very hot, very good. From Orlando's point of view. The fellowship celebrate Elijah's twenty-first.
For all sorts of Viggo things, go to The Many Faces of Viggo Mortensen.
Blue Laces Recommendations Cocoon Crash Credits: I (probably) got my pictures from the following places: Frodo and Sam.net, Orlando Multimedia.net, War of the Ring.net, Andre Schneider.co.uk, Bag End Inn
Archive created february 2003. The stories are disclaimed seperatly. If you want to contact me for some reason, my e-mail addy is: lady_sascha@hotmail.com.
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