special cases

These are stories I, myself, am very fond of, but which doesn't precisely fit the theme of this archive.

Alegria by Tangerine
139 kb | This is technically a Shatterstar/Rictor story, but the Mooks are in it, so... ;) Rictor is seriously hurt and Gaveedra tries to deal with it. Lots of angst here. | Ric&Shatty | Tangerine | This is the first in Tangerine's series about Star and Ric, and you can find the other two stories + pics to drool over here |

Changing Faces by Poi Lass
51 kb | Morph has fallen in love with Bobby. Bobby... doesn't really know what to feel | Quite Possibly Poi | Poi Lass |

Nameless. by Alestar and Lise
series | A dingy, nervous, falling, guilty and wistful series connecting Remy, Bobby and Pete Wisdom | On the Road | Alestar, Lise | Outside link |

site created june 2002, cc productions, owned by Sascha. email Sascha if you're having problems. update: 24.06.02

Remy LeBeau
Bobby and Remy by GlockGal