Sex and Power
Cajun Recipes
Cajun Recipes Webring
Encyclopedia of Cajun Culture
New Orleans Cemetery & Voodoo pages
New Orleans Voodoo Spiritual Temple
A simple Belle page with facts and such. :) Part of a bigger site called The Females of Marvel Comics.
or How Strong Women in the XMU Don't Stay That Way. :) Good site, still in progress, but the Belle parts are done. It's a. critisizm of the art in the Xbooks. Sorta. Well worth a read though.
Damn pretty city page. *grins*
A handful of recipes. Haven't tried them out myself, but it certainly looks good... ;)
There's 17 sites in it. I bet you'll find something that'll fit.
Lots of interesting things to be found there. Made up like an encyclopedia (no, really?).
Pictures of cemeteries, links and info. Nice place to start.
A pretty page with (among other things) a handy Voodoo FAQ.