June 26, 2002: Train
![]() ![]() Three versions of Train, ta-da! The Train on the left is how I'm currently drawing her. Her "traditional" look, you could say. Very simplistic, and she wears the same outfit all the time (well, actually, I prefer to think of it as her having a whole stack of the same clothes in her wardrobe ;) ). That's her usual expression and posture, too. Very deadpan. The drawings to her right are unconventional versions of Train. As in, they're not at all how she's like. I suppose that might eventually change; I do like those looks, but as of right now, she would never dress and pose as saucily as the picture on the far right, and she doesn't see the point of wearing a hat like the middle Train's doing. So, yeah, they're unconventional drawings that just clash with her personality. I was experimenting with styles, see, and using her as an excuse. The Train on the far right, I was trying to draw a realistic version (*snickers* Gee, "realistic." Yeah, right ;D ). Okay, maybe not literally real, but more dynamic, at least. 'Cause I wanted to see how she'd look in a spaghetti-strapped dress. Actually, I tried to draw her in a pose that I once saw in a Nemi pin-up (Nemi is a very good, very funny Norwegian comic strip, BTW. Train was largely inspired by her). I'm not sure I got the pose right, but that's okay. I like it anyway. :) This is much like the drawing style I used in What Is. The Train in the middle -- I was going for something Train would never wear, not because she'd hate it or I'd hate it, mind you, but because it just wouldn't occur to Train to try 'em on. Like I said before, she doesn't see the point of wearing a hat. I have to say, though, I like that look and drawing very much. :) She looks very Asian (yay me!), and the hat is neat (I think it's nifty when I see that kind of hat around, which is not very often, actually), and the expression on her face. Like those very much. So will I use the "not Train" looks eventually"? Maybe, maybe not. Who's to say? Initially I was just style-experimenting, but perhaps I'll create some plots and storylines that'll instigate such a change in Train's outfits. We'll see. :)
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