All good things come in
 brown-paper-wrapped packages

August 31, 2002: Char
Char, before and after Char is Vlad's brother, but while Vlad is a smirker, Char's a brooder. Brood brood brood, is all he seems to do. Well, actually, no, that's not all he seems to do. But he sure has the look for it, doesn't he?

The drawing on the left shows him before and after. As in, "before" = while he was in Hell, and "after" = he left Hell to go Above (yes, the capital A's on purpose, not a typo. That's what they call Earth). Yup, ladies and gentlemen, I'm gonna shear his hair. Snip snip snip I go! At least it won't be emo-style, so breathe a sigh of relief, you-know-who-you-are. (*grin*)

Char is not quite jaded or cynical, because those two terms imply a lack of motivation to want to change things (and instead imply that all the person ever does is sit at the sidelines and heckle). He is disillusioned, though, or has been for some time by the time Train and Seth show up. He doesn't like the way his brother handles things -- the apparent cruelty and violence -- and he's been pushing for change. However, Vlad regards his efforts as insignificant and the Nameless One ignores Char whenever the latter tries to get him to turn against his leader. Hey, that's enough to frustrate anybody, right?

But would Char really go far in pushing for his cause? There seems to be a limit to how much he'd fight for. His disillusionment may figure into it. Or is he only fighting for his own purposes, some benefit he'll gain if he topples Vlad?

That's up to you to decide. (*wink*)

Brooder brooder brooder. . .

Char's scars -- one over his left eye, two at his left ribs -- are courtesy of Vlad. Despite their conflicts, the brothers don't hate each other. They just have. . . well, conflicts, period. I know that seems kinda strange to say, considering, but it's true. They're like wolves in the same pack that travel in their own spheres, but nip every now and then. They have their issues, and have different ways in dealing with them. The incident that caused Char's scars was a one-time-only event. Other than that, I don't think the brothers have ever turned truly physical on one another. Char just skulks. Vlad just struts. 'S all good.

Char's face is a bit more "angled" than Vlad's, and while they share long noses, pronounced cheek bones, and long features, Char's nose has more of a curve/hook to it. I'm trying my best to bring it out right. He's a tricky one to draw.

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