Just Wasted Time -- Notes
by Maelstrom

    These notes can be read either before or after the fic itself, whichever you prefer.

    This story came about because, well, there simply aren't any fics about Tintin. And if you folksies think that you write about little-known comic characters (and you know who you are -- *wags finger lightly*), take a look at poor Tintin. I've searched everywhere for fanfics about him, and came up with nada. Nothing at all. (On the other hand, that would mean that this is the first ever Tintin fic to come out. . . in which case, history in the making! *grin*) In fact, the only time he was ever mentioned in a fic was when I gave him a two-line cameo in my "Non-X Holiday Party" less than a year ago, and it was only then that I realized that there were no Tintin fics around.

    I've included descriptions of the characters featured here. Those unfamiliar with the characters will get to find out about them here, while those familiar with the characters will get to find out the kinds of changes I've made to them (hey, it's been a few decades since Tintin was last seen in print -- the guy's gotta change after all ;) ).

    Death's description is taken off of the website The Wake (http://members.wbs.net/homepages/t/h/e/thewakefamily.html), which in turn took the snippets off of "Seasons of Mist". Most people know Death (I should hope), so I won't dwell much on her info.

    Tintin & co.'s full information can be found at http://www.tintin.com, the official site.

DEATH (information lifted off The Wake) -- "I think Gaiman left her description blank for a reason; words just can't do her justice. To know her is to love her, and talking with her only increases that. I think she is not only Dream's big sister, but everyone's. She passes no criticisms or judgments, she is caring, yet stern, she listens for she has plenty of time to wait.
    "Perhaps what keeps her loving the lives she takes is her one day a century that allows her to touch them. Through the course of time she has performed her duty with optimism. In meeting her you don't know if you are ending something or just beginning it."

TINTIN -- Very recognizeable tuft of hair over his forehead. A reporter, he has gone on many adventures that has left him with a lot of friends, some enemies, and plenty of acquaintances that can't be classified in either of the two camps. This is no superhero, he has no powers, nothing except ordinary courage, wit, and luck. And the word "ordinary" should be emphasized, because unlike Batman who also has no supernatural powers, Tintin doesn't have such extraordinary tenacity or fancy thingamajig gadgets. He gets tired, he gets weary, he is smart but not superintelligent He is just a regular person, who has a heart.
    (1) I've aged him. No, not the way Marvel ages and de-ages Magneto, I mean just by a few years or so. Tintin was commonly referred to as the "boy reporter" by his creator Herge, even though he was old enough to drink, drive, go treasure-hunting, fly to the moon, contend with a Yeti, hang out with guerillas. . . (*sigh*) if only we young 'uns were so lucky. I'm basically going to make him around his mid-20s.
    (2) I'm giving him more depth. Okay, "angst", if you will ;), 'cause he doesn't get enough in the comics (as good as they are). He hasn't really had anything. . . personal involved in his life. There're mostly friends and adventures, but no family or romantic life in the comics. I'm going to give him some -- a guy gets lonely on the road, don'tcha know. ;)  You can read more about such shortcomings at http://members.xoom.com/marlinspike.
    (3) His eyes. Um. They have no real color, canonically. Just tiny black dots. I made them blue here.
    (4) He has no sister. I've given him one. He's never been shown to have a family at all, ever in his entire series, and I don't think that's right. Besides, girls rarely come into important play in Tintin comics, so I'm attempting to remedy this.

SNOWY -- Tintin's dog with a great wit. I've omitted him from the fic, unfortunately. Really sorry, Tintin-ers, I adore the love just as much as the next person, but I really couldn't quite make a talking dog appear realistic in the story while still exercising his full potential. . . (and believe me, I tried. . .)

CAPTAIN HADDOCK -- Older than Tintin, perhaps in his 40s? A loud ex-mariner, he was first introduced to us in the comics as a drunkard being manipulated (and plied with liquor) by his first mate. Tintin engaged Haddock's help in tracking down that baddie, and pretty soon the Captain was back to his old, robust self -- pre-drunkard age. He loves to drink and smoke his pipe, and goes into a fit if denied either. He's stern and adamant and fortunately for him, his pride tends to heal after he gets into the worst kinds of situations. ;)  When he inherited his ancestor's fortune and moved to live in Marlinspike Hall with his butler, he settled down to a more peaceful lifestyle -- although everytime he protests against going on another adventure with Tintin, he usually ends up tagging along, the old goat. He does have a heart if you pick-axe hard enough. ;)  A loud and straightforward man with a wild temper to boot (heaven forbid you take away his whiskey bottle), he is very firm when it comes to standing by his friends.
    CHANGES: Um, not much, actually. Captain Haddock's a really great and well-fleshed character, and it'll be a shame to change anything about him. :)

Little bittys -- these names are only mentioned in the story and the people themselves don't appear, so I'm not going to elaborate on them. But they will appear in future:-

NESTOR -- Captain Haddock's butler. He was previously servant to a pair of criminal brothers, but knew nothing about their activities until their arrest. The brothers had lived in Marlinspike, and when the Captain inherited it, he took Nestor on as well.

PROFESSOR CUTHBERT CALCULUS -- Not an absent-minded scientist, but a deaf one. He never seems to acknowledge this, though, always insisting that he's "hard of hearing" in one ear. His area of science deals mostly with nuclear physics, and exasperates Captain Haddock to no end with his misinterpretation of what he hears. (And yet Haddock is still fond of the guy and lets him stay in Marlinspike. . .)

CHANG -- A Chinese boy that Tintin rescued during a flood in China, and again when Chang was stranded in Kathmandu with a Yeti (long story ;) . . .). He should be in his late teens by now, I'd estimate, and they keep in constant contact through letters.

That's it. End notes! :)

Move on to Just Wasted Time

Shifting Ground