Like a vision she dances across the porch 
As the radio plays
There were ghosts in the eyes 
Of all the boys you sent away 
They haunt this dusty beach road 
In the skeleton frames of burned out Chevrolets
Show a little faith, there's magic in the night 
You ain't a beauty, but hey you're all right 
Oh and that's all right with me Well now I'm no hero 
That's understood 
All the redemption I can offer girl 
Is beneath this dirty hood
They scream your name at night in the street 
Your graduation gown lies in rags at their feet Don't run back inside 
Darling you know just what I'm here for 
So you're scared and you're thinking 
That maybe we ain't that young anymore
October 29

Hades and Persephone

[ Part I ] [ Part II ] [ Part III ]

Part IV

Hades paced his chambers, weighed heavy with his thoughts. His cloak flowed around his feet like the smooth waves of the Styx, never touching the ground; instead, they hovered and gave the impression that he floated on air. But even the glittering stars in its inner folds failed to distract the god from his contemplations.

He glanced several times at the unconscious figure lying on his bed. The lady Perseph had been knocked out by the impact of her fall, and without a second thought Hades had brought her to his chambers and laid her gently on his bed. That was three hours ago. Now he awaited her return to consciousness, all the while nibbling on his lower lip, wondering how to explain things to her. Every once in a while he paused to mutter ungodly obscenities meant for either Ahro or demonkind in general.

Ahro, wisely enough, had volunteered to chain himself over a pit of molten lava until Hades deemed his suffering enough. Hades suspected that Ahro just didn't want to be anywhere within the god's reach at the moment.

He brightened at the idea and instantly headed for the door. Quah, the assistant lieutenant demon, was standing outside. Ever since the band of demons involved had found out that Hades had not been pleased with Ahro's doing, they'd been scurrying around trying to atone themselves. An unhappy Hades was worse than a happy Hades, in their opinion. Hades wasn't quite sure if he should be insulted or amused by that statement.

Quah scuttled forward as Hades neared his lips toward the slightly-ajar door. "Bring Ahro here," the god said quietly.

Quah nodded and quickly left. Hades turned back to the room and permitted himself a smile; being in his intimidating presence would be punishment indeed for the quaking Ahro.

This was serious, however. Hades frowned and glanced again at the unmoving Perseph. He wondered if he should tell the other gods about Perseph; he wondered if anyone was missing her yet. He was uneasy with the realization that if Perseph was his, he'd miss her the instant she was gone. As well as for each and every minute until she'd returned.

That was a dangerous thing indeed.

She looked beautiful, he thought as he watched her, and quickly chastened himself for the unbidden thought. He knew his place. Powerful as he was, he didn't belong in her world, nor did she in his. She thrived in light and life and laughter; he lived in darkness and death and doom. Perhaps if things had been different. . . but no, he had never been one to dream. He'd always been aware of what his ascension to the throne of the Underworld meant, and he'd accepted the role and responsibilities long ago.

He heard a hesitant tap on the door and turned around. Ahro stood there, bravely trying to suppress the knocking of his knees. He looked like he was determined to stay and bear whatever punishment Hades meted out even if his first survival instincts screamed at him to run.

Despite himself, Hades felt a surge of pride. Not every god could claim such loyal minions -- even if such loyalty made said minions want to find their master a woman in order to slake his unquenchable lust. Those had been Ahro's exact words, uttered with delight two seconds before Hades had grabbed him by the neck and roared for an explanation.

Hades waved Ahro inside. As the demon treaded forth, a shift in the beddings alerted Hades to his guest. She was waking.

He hurried to her side. "My lady Perseph," he said gently as her eyes fluttered open. They were a brilliant shade of blue; he'd noticed them the first moment he'd laid eyes on her. "Are you all right?"

She frowned hazily at him, still trying to get her bearings. It took her a moment to register his countenance. As soon as she did, however, her eyes cleared and her fist smashed against his face.

"By Olympus!" Hades reeled back, clutching his nose. Stars danced before his eyes this time, not just in his cloak. "Of all the unholy fires in Poseidon's a--" He caught himself before he could utter profanities that would burn even Zeus's ears.

"How dare you!" Perseph shouted, pulling her fist back for another shot. "Kidnapping me! What have I ever done to you?"

"Halt!" Hades shouted, his hand still over his nose. With his other hand he grabbed Ahro by the scruff of his neck and shoved the demon forward. Even Ahro yelped at the expression on Perseph's face. "It was his idea. I had naught to do with it. Punch him instead!"

Ahro yelped again. Perseph glowered. "You dare blame others for your actions?" she cried.

Hades muttered and pulled Ahro back. The demon whimpered in relief and hid behind the god, ignoring the whippings of Hades's mantle. "I truly was unaware of his plans," said Hades. "You have my deepest regrets and apologies for all the suffering you have endured. You are right: even if your abduction was not my doing, it was still done by my minions, and I therefore am at fault. I will bear all responsibility and repurcussions for their actions."

He heard Ahro gasp in protest. "But master -"

A quick flick of his wrist silenced the demon. Hades never even broke eye contact with Perseph. "I have failed to teach them well. I humbly seek your forgiveness for all mistreatments you have suffered in my care. I will seek to make it up to you."

She gazed at him for a long moment before finally speaking. "All right."

He blinked. "'All right'?" he repeated unsurely.

Perseph nodded and sat up slowly, rubbing her head. "You are forgiven. A little. Until I decide I prefer to have you in my debt." She swung her legs over the bed and raised an eyebrow at Ahro, who meep'ed and hid behind Hades's cloak again.

Hades might have been amused at the sight of the fierce, devious Ahro afraid of the beautiful, ethereal Perseph if it wasn't for the fact that he was still thrown off by Perseph's reaction.

She began to rise, then gave a sudden cry and would have toppled over if Hades hadn't caught her. "What is wrong?" he demanded.

"My ankle," she gasped. "I think I sprained it in my fall."

He deposited her back on the edge of the bed and kneeled next to her, holding up her foot to inspect. There was indeed a bruising color over her left ankle. He gently ran the pad of his thumb over the spot, taking care not to cause her pain. Her skin was smooth and fine.

He looked up to find her watching him strangely. "What is it?" he asked.

"Nothing," she replied, blushing.

It took Hades a second to realize he was intimately close to Perseph, his shoulder touching her knee, his fingers tracing the surface of her skin. Only married gods dared touch each other this way.

To his great chagrin, Hades felt his cheeks grow hot. "Forgive me," he mumbled, quickly breaking contact. "I spend so few times away from the Underworld that I have grown unaccustomed to social graces."

"That's all right," Perseph said, her cheeks pink. "I am not offended."

Hades resisted the urge to pull at his collar. He cast a glance at Ahro from the corner of his eye, and was grateful to see the demon study the corner of the room with more interest than was warranted. Hades made a note to lop off a bit of Ahro's punishment as a thank-you to the demon for not giggling.

Perseph, meanwhile, was looking at her surroundings. "You have an impressive domain," she said.

"Thank you," Hades returned. "You have an even more impressive right hook. Where did you learn to hit like that?"

"From Uncle Ares. God of war," she clarified. Hades raised an eyebrow. "When I was a child, he and Uncle Apollo used to try to bribe my affections by teaching me how to wield a crossbow properly, or knee an overzealous suitor. . ."

"Overzealous suitor?" Hades looked amused. "As a child? You must have been pretty even then."

She wiggled her toes, blushing. "They were protective of me."

He rose to his feet. "It is my fault you are unable to walk. I will send a message to your mother informing her of your condition, as well as arrange for one of my chariots to bring you back to Olympus."

"You want to send me away?" she blurted out.

Hades stared at her. "What do you want me to do?"

She hesitated. "I've never been to this part of the world before. It is fascinating. I'd like to see more of your Underworld. . . if you don't mind having me here."

They gazed at each other in silence, their eyes locked. Hades wondered if it was normal to breathe this hard.

"I don't mind," he said softly. "I don't mind at all."

She smiled. He felt as if he was floating on air, just like his cloak.

"I'll send a message to your mother so that she won't worry," he said. "In the meantime, you can rest here in my chambers."

"But where will you rest?"

"I'll find a place." He eyed Ahro thoughtfully, and the demon grew increasingly uneasy at the attention. "Ahro, you'll send the message -"

"Actually," Perseph interjected, her eyes glowing mischievously, "if you don't mind, I'd like to have him as my personal companion during my stay. Would that be all right?"

Ahro stared in horror at the unholy twinkle in the goddess's eyes. "Oh, master, I am only too happy to run your errand -"

"No, Ahro, that's all right," Hades spoke reassuringly, trying hard to suppress a smile. "Quah can do it for me. You, as part of your punishment, will serve as the lady Perseph's servant for the remainder of her visit."

"Part of his punishment? My lord Hades, you insult me," Perseph teased. She extended her hand toward the quaking demon. "Come here, Ahro. I assure you I mean well." The smile on her lips, indicated otherwise.

Hades -- for the first time in a long while, perhaps ever -- grinned. He was going to enjoy the lady Perseph's visit, in more ways than one.

Part V

[ I hadn't meant for this story to go for so long, but I'm really getting to enjoy this. :) ]

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