
Full name: Kristina Kringle
Date of Hatching: February 4, 1996
Color: Pearly
Uncomming Fact: When Kris is nesting, she not only lets me into her cage--she gets upset if I don't get her out.

Baby Kris! She was three weeks old when I got her--and already feisty! She figured out really fast that if she cried, I would carry her around all day--I even fashioned a sling (she couldn't perch yet!) so that I could keep her with me! Yeah, she got spoiled fast.

She's what's called a pearly--see those little dots all over her? Those are pearly markings! Her dad was a white-faced 'tiel--where there are no orange cheek patches, and no yellow pigment. I hope that someday I'll have white-faced babies!

Kris is very smart, but neurotic. I can teach her tricks, as long as she doesn't realize I'm training her! If I try to give her praise for something, she freaks out and panics. Oh well. In the meantime, she knows the commands "come" and "stay," and she flaps her wings when I say "Fwoosh, Fris-Bird!" (Fris-Bird is her nick name. I have no idea how it started!). For a while she would nod when I pointed at her, but we forgot to practice and birds don't have great long-term memories unless you practice! She can wear her leash (it's pink!) but she hates it. That's okay--she's good if I take her outside without it. I had a cat attack me once, and when Kris started to panic (she was sitting on my shoulder, and the cat was crawling up me to get her) I said "Kris! Stay!" and she did. She's a very good bird, and trusts me a lot--even if she does like to give me grief!

Kris, as dearly as I love her, is a rotten mother. She'll sit on the eggs until they hatch--in fact, she won't let Confetti near them until then!--and then she abandons them! She wants nothing to do with the babies, she only likes the eggs! Silly bird. Actually, I lie. Her fourth clutch she let Confetti sit on the eggs almost 25% of the time. As of this writing, they haven't hatched, yet. We'll see if she feeds them!

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