I feel like a barbecue . . . oh, children! Come, stick your fingers in these holes!

The Outlet

Where I plug the things I decide need plugging!

I love writers. I LOVE them. Stories storiesstoriesstoriesstories!

But I HATE bad punctuation. A lot. It's one of my pet peeves. So, I'm plugging beta-readers! These amazing little things can help with plotlines, character development, punctuation and even help with where you should send your story when it's done!

"But JB!" I hear you cry. "I don't want to go harrassing people to beta my story!" That's understandable. But you don't have to! You can go to CFAN and they have a list of people who have signed up--willingly!--to be beta-readers! So go! Fly, my little writer-dragons! Go get yourself a beta-reader and make your stories better!!

Beta-readers are good. They are of the strong. Even I don't usually write without one.


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