.0 Happy Things

[McDragon’s Memo: I started this on the Rant and Rave board over at CFAN, and others added to it. If you would like to add to it, just e-mail me your list and I’ll put it up. Meta notes (notes written by the author) have been left in.]

Happy Things

Okay, so I'm upset. I've already talked about it, but I'd rather not feel upset. So I'm going to cheer myself up.


That pic of me and Trisha and Ashlan at Magic Mountain. :D
Big (adopted) Brothers.
Painting my nails gold, just for a costume!
Butterflies landing on my nose.
The smell of rain on hay.
That feel you get after finishing a really long story that's pretty darn good.
Mick. The Dragon.
Laying on my back, watching TV, my birds singing to me while dancing on my stomach and chest as I eat popcorn and try to keep Confetti away from the bowl.
Chasing my birds across the floor when they steal something from me.
Watching my birds chase my sister across the floor because they're playing.
My (psuedo) horse on a good day.
Mookiness. In real life.
Poems written for me about my birds.
Dragon shirts.
My new sunglasses.
laughing so hard I can't breathe.
Wearing glitter nailpolish and showing it off to everyone I meet.
That lady in the grocery store who takes pity on me and helps me pick out good fruit.
Stuffed animals I can play with while trying to write.
Real life Midnight Twinkie Runs.
Making other people laugh.

Okay. I"m going to bed. :) I feel better. You can see what I'm doing--add. Please. :)


You know what, JB? At this moment, I love you :).

Tomorrow the school year starts and that's depressing. But this thread might just be the ultimate pick me up :).

Happy things...

Finding kitten pictures on the net
The end of an short Asimov story
Late at night in #subcafe
My fat cat when she lies on her back and I can pet her belly.
ABBA songs
Comics and scifi conventions
Seeing someone continue my RR
Kittens again
That ride on amusement parks with the chairs that go flying 'round...
Running when its cold
My RL gal pals
All things shiny
DS9 episode "His Way"
Avengers #224
Reading all my good stories all over again
Starting to talk with someone just cause they like comics without knowing their name or age or anything other the fact that they like comics...
Laughing till I hurt
Sitting in class when it's quiet, looking out the window at the clouds, knowing it's going to rain...
Really good Ally McBeal episodes
Finding other fans of obscure characters
Solving a REAL complicated math problem
Screaming on the top of a mountain
The feeling you get when your plane finally takes off
Jumping off four stairs, and it's even better when someone looks at you like you're nuts
Showing off my prettypics
Running to my room and locking the door right in my sisters' faces
A guy named Biohwk somewhere on the net
My brown velvet vest and black sweater on the first cold day
Being alone in the morning when I don't have to go to school and no one's there and I can quietly go on line and...

And find threads like this :)

JB McDragon, I think you made my day.

Joannie Milligan

Have you guys read teh book "14,000 things to be happy about" ?

My additions:

Puppy kisses & puppies in general
Mikhail learning "sit" (Okay, so that goes with the puppy thing.)
Lady bugs
Snails in my mom's ugly orange azaleas and not on my chamomile which was destroyed by the slugs last year
Birds nesting outside my window- cardinals last year and mockingbirds this year
Summer thunderstorms (which we haven't had yet this year, grr. 62 days without rain!)
Hot, lazy days when you've just gotten out of the pool or finished washing the car and you're soaking wet and the baking pavement just feels nice and warm rather than unpleasently hot. (Yes, I am the poster child for skin cancer. I burn like you wouldn't believe, but the sun feels so nice...)
Cats (in general)
Siberian Huskies, Malamutes, and other Northern breeds. (I don't like dogs that smell like dogs.)
Other rescue people telling me "good job"
Window seats
Eating fruit (of whatever kind, geneally peaches or plums or pecans) right off a tree and praying it doesn't have worms *G*
Trying to keep the horse from stealing peach bits (she eats sandwiches too.)
Creekwalking (This involves walking in old shoes in a creekbed with little or no water in it. You get covered with mud, but it's really fun.)
Good music (to taste)
Homemade pizza
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (homemade only)
Watching star wars (any)
Watching movies with friends and making Comments.
Hockey games (going to, watching, or playing.)
Silly quotes, written down and remembered years later. (Alex: Ow! Me: I thought you were going to duck! Alex: So did I!)

Um... there's more, but I can't remember 'em.


Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and white woolen mittens, brown paper packages tied up with strings, these are a few of my favorite things.... :)

Take-out Chinese food
Rainy days
My best friends
My nails
Playing with make-up and the fancy clothes that belonged to my grandmother
Sneaking out with friends to meet guys and dodge cops
My cats, Kitoonsky J. Schwarzkoff von Hammerstein III Esquire Limited, Squeaker, and Orion Orenthal Julius
My old, full o'holes jeans
Curling up in bed at night when it's raining outside with a mug of hot tea and honey
Compliments and praise
Taking pictures and having my picture taken
Climbing things
Jumping out of swings
Sex and the City
Creepy things
Being a teenager


Ooo, happy things! Boy oh boy, do I need happy things. Here we go:
-Going to the beach
-Seeing dolphins at the beach
-Seeing dolphins at the aquarium
-My family visiting
-Cuddly kitty cats
-Hot cups of tea on cold days
-My parakeet chirping cutely
-Chocolate :-)
-Fresh baked, still gooey chocolate chip cookies
-An old song that I like, but they don't play very often, coming on the radio
-Hot, gooey mushroom and ground beef pizza
-Super soaker battles
-Winning super soaker battles
-My teddy bear
-Chocolate (Obsessed, ya think?)
-Reading a good book
-Roller coasters
-Cotton Candy

There's my list. Hmm, I seem to have a bit of a food fixation. Oh well, whatever makes you happy, eh? :-)


"Participating" in a sing along with JB's birds.
Getting a Brand New Sketchbook!
Lightning storms!
Wierd things that go bump in the office building..(and making fun of it!)
Making up really bad stories with friends. :)
Cat whiskers.
Singing "It's a small world" on whatever that ride was.
Getting a phone call telling me to get my ass over to Kielle's house! (It was a midnight Twinkie run, you see...)
Playing pool.
new clothes.
beach sand.
singing along with the music on full blast while driving on the freeway at 80 miles an hour! In the Dark!
Pretty sketches. (Dex Drawings! Tap Drawings! Chiaki Drawings!)
Any time Pebblin says "Snap". (I love that.:)
being told I'm a cutie :)
freeways at night.
learning something cool.
Tickle attacks!
Taking interesting pictures :D
giving people hugs and seeing them smile.
windy days.
talking on the phone.
taking the scenic route.
playing tag with my cat until we're both too tired to run back and forth anymore!
Hanging out with the Subrealiconners.
Running through the rain when it's *pouring*! And then changing into something wonderfully warm and fuzzy :)
rewatching a good movie.
making people head whip.
and tons of other stuff I can't think of at the moment! *Grin*


*grins* I should be in the lounge room with BRM, but I couldn't resist this one on my way out...

The smell of lemon-scented eucalyptus, especially after it's been raining.
Sundays, since I get to sleep in and it's BRM's turn to bring a cup of tea in bed.
Riding my bike along a country road on a nice sunny spring or autumn day.
The alarm that tells me Raph or Dark Mark is sending me a message on AIM (I need more AIM addresses!).
Feedback, especially for something written so long ago I'd forgotten it was archived somewhere.
Email conversations.
Two minute noodles on a cold day.
Getting a kata right all the way through after much practice.
Footrubs, shoulder rubs, hell, any sort of massage. :)
My warm woolly ug boots and Ecofleece jacket.
When BRM brings me home a surprise, even if it's just something small.
Chatting and tacklepouncing and dunking Voltage in the Vat of Custard (must change the custard in that some day...)
Having faces behind the names, now I've met a lot of you.
A really good cappucino and a raspberry and apple muffin.
When someone tells me I've been helpful to them at work.
Music, especially My Friend the Chocolate Cake.
Walking in falling snow (a new one from last weekend!).
Singing in the shower, more so when I'm actually in tune.
Movies that I can't tell what the ending is going to be five minutes in.
Being told, "I love you".
The smell of the paddocks on our old farm in summer, just before a storm hit.
The "Buffalo Breeze"- the wind that would come down the valley from Mt Buffalo. You could see it making its way up the creek as the trees started rustling in a sort of domino-effect.
Popcorn and potato chips.
Having a burst of inspiration and finishing something that's been languishing on my hard drive for ages.
Sun streaming through clouds.
Swimming at midnight, clothes optional.
Teddy bears.
Notes left on my bike, or in my bag, or just somewhere I don't expect from BRM.
My family.

Plenty more, but if I don't go, I'll be in need of this list to counter the bad reception I'm going to get when I get my arse back off-line! :)

My cousin is of the opinion that Happy Things are not of the Manly. Ah, who cares.

The cityscape at night.
A good fic.
A good funnyfic.
A good novel.
A good Pratchett novel.
Stars (if any).
The smell of grass after rain.
Good music.
Everyone getting along.
Everyone happy.
Writing fic.
Happy faces.
Solitude whenever I want.
Meeting new friends.
Reuniting with old friends.
Good Inspiration.
Making other people laugh.
Making other people happy.
Helping out.
Caring for others.
Being nice.
Bantering with my sis.
Car rides at night.
Lack of exams/homework.
Learning something interesting.
Knowing that I'm not alone.
Knowing that people care.
Playing the sax.
Nice jazz.
Being young, and knowing it.
Good dreams.
Knowing that I can sleep in.
Making people's lives just a bit better.
No bigotry.
No -isms, be it racism or sexism or whatever.
No stress.
Happy memories.
Nobody wanting to take my happiness away.
The smile of the girl I have a crush on.
Knowing that I'm worth something.
Knowing that I count.

Some of these have never been achieved, and will probably never be. But a person can always dream, can't he?


Darn you, JB...guess I gotta:

The scent of vanilla

Getting to pet or hold animals I've never touched before (bat rays, snakes, lemurs, etc.)
Kittens (of course!)
Hearing someone in my family say they like my work (writing or web design)
EXTRA paydays! (you get two a year if you're paid every other Friday -- woo!)
Knowing I've finished my Christmas shopping and gotten everyone something good
People liking my cooking (it's the Italian in me ;)
ANYTHING other than bloody smoggy California sun, really
Crackling fireplaces in dark rooms on cold nights
Cool, overcast days at the RenFaire
Drizzly weekdays at Disneyland
Slobbing around the house in an oversized tee-shirt with no obligations for the day but my webpages
Being all caught up on my pages and mail...like that ever happens ;)
My sister, when she's not being a freak
Big fat friendly goldfish
Swimming with dolphins (haven't gotten this one yet, but I can imagine...)
Snorkelling, preferably in Fiji
Hearing Subreality mentioned by someone I don't even know -- or even in another fandom
Finding other fans of obscure characters or red pandas online
Listening to the stream outside MY apartment (mine!)
Losing weight
Good food (mutually exclusive with the last one, but ah well)
The Subrealiconners -- *mmmwwah!*
Friends chummy enough to be campy with
Blue Moon & Chester (don't ask)
Being invited to lunch by my co-workers
Being able to hit a common chord with children, ie. discussing Pokemon or telling them scary stories their parents don't allow ;)
Cheap all-you-can-eat sushi
More rain
Woolly slippers
Sleeping in
Staying up
Internet access at work
These messageboards

I'd better stop before I go on all day. :)

Who restrained herself from mooking about Chris-- damn, there I go!


Happy things, I've got those happy things...

-leopard print
-silly string
-hanging upside down on monkey bars
-the ocean under stars
-the silence of falling snow
-wind howling down from the mountains
-Water on the Mountain
-orange trees
-rainbow sprinkles
-running through sprinklers
-swimming through a rainbow of fish
-lying in the grass
-meeting my buds at DisneyWorld
-Pleasure Island
-funny words
-freeze tag
-fun fun fun

Exiled on Main Street
Keeper of Remy & Magnus' Friendship

This was such a good idea, JB. Now I'm in a great mood, and you all get to read my list! :)

- Walking on a beach in winter.
- Having time to go outside with my cat and watch snowflakes fall.
- Taking pictures of beautiful things outside, like the mountains in autumn.
- Drawing something that turns out beautiful, or finishing a story that was hard to write.
- Having people around who know me and tell me I'm good and worth something.
- Actually being able to believe it on some days.
- Getting email from a friend.
- The hour before school starts where I play Super Crazy Eights with my friends.
- Going to my locker between classes and finding a note from a friend on nothing in particular.
- Warm and chewy chocolate chip cookies.
- Waking up in that hour where the sunlight hits my bed and laying with my cats for a while.
- Cats snoozing in sun patches on living room floors.
- Going out to the country some nights and watching stars.
- Seeing beautiful animals, like butterflies and moths and caterpillars.
- People complimenting me when I cook and do little things around the house.
- Going through the big boxes of family photographs.
- Having my friends call me to say they're kidnapping me in ten minutes to go somewhere fun.
- Feedback, definitely.
- Being able to stay up into the wee hours of morning and then sleep in late without guilt.
- Walking outside in the pouring rain.
- A quiet class where I can draw.
- Good music, like Nine Inch Nails.
- Curling up in a warm blanket in winter and watching a good movie.
- Snuggling with someone.
- Driving down the highway in autumn and seeing the mountains blaze with colors.
- Learning new and interesting things about topics I love.
- Accents, especially those I've never heard before.
- Getting little surprises in the mail or in my locker.
- Hot tea with milk and sugar. Especially on cold days after school when I walk from the bus.
- Christmas fun, like cooking and baking and wrapping presents.
- Sharing blue Cotton Candy.
- Getting new things like art supplies and computer stuff I can play with!
- Rainbows while it's still drizzling. Double rainbows make it even better.
- Blood red sunsets when the sun is an orange ball of fire in the sky, during the last days of summer.
- Losing weight.
- Hugs.
- Giving shoulder and back rubs.
- Making people happy.
- Being able to go off and be alone and no one is angry for it.
- My mum, when she does odd things that I'll remember forever.
- My sister, who is frequently odd just because she can be.
- Sitting in front of a fireplace when it's quiet and dark and there's three feet of snow coming down outside.
Nova Zion

I'll toss in a few.

Being home from work.
Alistaire demanding my attention.
Finding out that the show I've been wanting to see will be on in two days.
Catching an unexpected appearance from one of my favorite bands or singers on TV.
My apartment. MY apartment. MINE! =)
Getting my CDs and/or videos in order. (I know, sick, sick, sick...)
Ben & Jerry's Bovinity Divinity.
My memories of Subrealicon 2K (though I don't know if I'm technically a Subrealiconner anymore). [McDragon’s Memo: Hutch was quickly assured she was!]
Finding songs I love online.
Finding karaoke songs I love online.
Anime. New candles.
Actually completing a long story for the first time in ages.
That feeling after I've made myself go for a walk.
Remembering a song that I used to know how to play on guitar, and actually doing pretty well.
Having direct deposit (well, I'll be happy when I get it back).

Ugh... now I feel old.

[McDragon’s Memo: there followed this much “Hutch, OF COURSE you’re a Subrealiconner! You’re stuck with us!” and Hutch responded with the following]

*sniffs* You guys are sweet.

I thought of a few more.

o New Comics Day! (Man, I miss it.)
o A cold soda on a hot summer day
o Watching snow fall from inside, with a mughot chocolate, and a nice warm blanket wrapped around me.
o Getting a nice, friendly, helpful customer service person on the phone.
o Hugs. Especially hugs from people that I like or respect, but am too shy to approach first. (Kielle, Trisha -- *g*)
o That nice feeling of freshness after taking a shower and then lying down on a bed made up with clean sheets.
o Relaxing in bed in the morning instead of jumping up right away.
o Hearing a favorite song when the alarm clock goes off.
o The entire soundtrack of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown (the 1999 Broadway cast).

Hutch: You're stuck with us. :)

--Going into the snow, getting all cold shivery and laughing, then racing back inside and warming up by the fireplace with hot drinks.
--Playing in the snow with my bird, Kris. She loves it. :)
--Getting unexpected compliments.
--Sing alongs with my two boy birds.
--Having my boy birds demand that I go *there* and get them, instead of them coming to me like they're supposed to...
--My bird, Chex, mimicking my laugh and laughing at me.
--Harleytooth pouncing me.
--Reading a story I wrote that I thought was crap...and realizing it wasn't.
--Feedback. Especially from Kael, because she makes me feel so good.
--Compliments from boys. Compliments from bi and lesbian women. They give good ones. :)
--Thinking that unicorns, dragons, elves, etc are alive somewhere.
--Looking in the mirror as I walk by and thinking, "Hey. I look good." And actually believing it.
--Throwing snowballs.
--Seeing wild creatures at the beach.
--People who like it when I explain animal stuff to them.
--Getting answers to my thread. Positive ones. :HUGS, guys! Thanks!:
--Gray/green, gray/blue eyes. :drools:
--Trail riding on a spring day, when all the leaves are coming in and the rain has dusted everything off, and your horse is snorting the new air and nearly prancing, but not in a bad way.
--Flying. Either by getting someone to spot me in gymnastics-flips so I can do them, or swinging, or jumping with a horse.
--Making up my own constalations on a clear night.
--Having that scared/nervous/anxious feeling when I hear thunder, and having someone nearby who doesn't mind me using them to scare the scared/nervous/anxious feeling away.
--People who find out things about you, and respect those things, and don't laugh or ridicule you.
--Talking in a fake accent and having people really think it's yours.
--Telling someone about my theories on my geneology/evolution of my elves and vampyrs, and having them listen and treat it seriously.
--People in #KJCorner and #Subcafe who help me with spellings, words, descriptions and stuff while I write.
--Being just barely awake, and hearing Confetti quiet whistle charge. Then cracking an eye open and seeing him watching me intently, like he wants to wake me up but isn't sure I want to be awake yet.
--My birds getting all excited when they hear my paticular 'I'm home' whistle for them.
--People asking me for animal advice, and treating me seriously even though I'm young.
--Quilted blankets that feel all thick and heavy.
--Sitting by a fireplace with nothing to do but be warm, comfortable, and quiet.

Obsess on the good stuff.

Mmm, happy things....

*Strong coffee, super-sweet
*Adam Sandler movies
*My dog--the cutest dog in the world
* "Tropical" weather, the more humid, the better.
*Late nights at #KJcorner
*My olive-green Vans, and ringer t-shirts
*Soft flannel shirts on a nippy day
*Pillows, lots and lots of pillows
*Being upside-down
*Reading in my backyard...or anywhere outside
*Running as fast as I can, just for the hell of it
*Taking stairs three at a time
*And belly laughs




Handguns and napalm and tripwire strings... these are a few of my favorite things...

Driving past a low-rider playing boots-in-the-dryer music, and drowning them out with Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries"
Watching the sun come up over the Washington Cathedral as I get to work
The totally unique feeling of a parachute opening.
My girlfriend's voice.
Helping a friend through a problem.
Knowing I'm doing the right thing
Bleu cheese, sauteed mushrooms and onions, and pepper-smoked bacon on a medium-rare Black Angus hamburger.
Movie scores.
Attractive women. Especially my girlfriend. Yes, she's prettier than yours. Nyah nyah nyah. :)
Being able to depend on close friends.
Being dependable to close friends.
Clothes that fit.
Truth or Dare games
Late-night conversations
Water-skiing, specifically cable skiing
Reading old notes passed in high school, almost a decade after the fact.
Backflips. Front flips. Cartwheels. And the fact that I can still do them.
The 1995 Pittsburgh Steelers.
Heavily salted foods.
Back rubs.
FLASH comics.
Getting mail.
Loving and being loved.

First person to call me a softie... well, okay. Call me a softie. :)



Hello, world, here's a song that we're singin', c'mon get happy!

A whole lotta lovin' is what we'll be bringin', we'll make you happy!

(sounds of gunfire, breaking glass, screaming and muffled weeping)

There, now I feel loads better. ^-^

Stuff that makes the Azzy happy

o roasted marshmallows where they are just a little brown on the outside and the skin is crunchy and the inside is all gooey
o sneezing
o walking down freshman hall and being taller than most of them
o being challenged in my artwork
o drinking from the hose
o my car
o stickers
o going for coffee at 10 pm
o shopping sprees
o stripping to my undies and going swimming in a lake during summer
o San Clemente in the summertime
o good hair days
o the expressions people have when they find out I have a butt tattoo
o cow-tipping
o the way the air smells just before a summer rain, like hot concrete
o blowing 30 bucks on comics
o having an intellegent debate
o getting a pic I've been working on to come out just right
o painting (specially with oils!)
o hot soup on a cold morning
o Heath Ledger
o breakfast burritos
o email from a friend whom I haven't heard from in a while
o watching telemundo and actually understanding what the hell they're talking about
o getting paid
o the fact that KCAI still won't leave me alone
o watching movies in class
o acing a math test
o faking sick getting the house all to myself
o snuggling under my blankets on a cold morning and knowing that i don't have to get up anytime soon
o Spruce Park, near the Uni. I wanna live there someday
o Beach sand
o landing in an airplane
o hiking with my friends
o lunch with my coworkers
o ditching class to go see a movie
o leaning over a railing two stories high and realizing that I'm not scared anymore
o San Francisco
o Cheeseburgers
o that orange and white stray kitty that wanders in and out classrooms up at Yucca
o trading joke insults with a really good friend
o going for a drive
o getting a song to download on the first try
o having a discussion about comics with someone who's not online and not coming off at as a complete fangirl idiot
o Chris Lyo. Three years and I'm still not over him. *dreamy sigh*
o Movies that make me laugh
o the cute guy at the comic shop who tells me "See you next weekend!"
o snowball fights
o seeing someone from school at the comic store
o learning how to read my Japanese manga
o Benwayfeedback
o being told that my artwork does not suck
o travelin'
o wading into a creek
o Autumn
o Halloween
o The Balloon Fiesta
o mushroom, olive and canadian bacon pizza
o watching a movie that I love and haven't seen in a a while
o that whole three-week period between Thanksgiving and Christmas
o Saturday morning cartoons
o not getting lost
o Walking outside while it's snowing and absolutely silent
o eating frosted mini-wheats at a friend's house and having their cockatil land on my head
o beating Kirby's pinball land in thirty minutes
o Lucky Charms
o Chinese food
o Boys
o Freshly shaved legs
o Someone demanding that I write more
o re-reading Shizuko's Daughter and One Bird for the gazillionth time
o Rob Thomas novels
o David Mack comics
o kicking that annoying punk kid in the nuts
o sherbert
o Picking up a book or movie on a whim and really enjoying it
o beef stir-fry
o chocolate-chip cookie dough blizzards
o Tim-Tams =D
o Not getting caught
o Doing something considered 'wacky' or 'daring' by my peers
o y'all
o Convincing my new neighbor that I'm a foreign exchange student and talking to her in a different accent each time
o inspiration
o Giving love, and getting it right back

Did you know that people have made up a religion based on the Partridge family? Scary, scary people.


Just to add my two coppers worth...

Cuddling with my husband
My son's smile whenever I walk in a room
Cuddling with my cats or dog
Walking in rainstorms
The colors pink or turquoise
Dancing to a good song in a club
Hitting 95 on the interstate with no traffic and not getting a ticket
Actually not getting chumped when I fight in a LARP
Buying or wearing unique new clothes or costumes
Blankets fresh from the dryer
A good glass of 20 year port (preferably Talor-Fladgate... yummmmm)
A northface (hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps)
Anything shiny or twinkly
Writing a really good poem
Getting applauded after reading a poem in public

Guess there's not a whole lot, but at least there's something.


I know I've posted three times now. I'm going to continue until I start running out of Happy Things, or get tired. :)

--Watching Kielle and Laer, because they are so happy.
--Having adopted Big Brothers. :::hugs Laer, Nute and Danny:::
--Saying, "Niener niener, you're a wiener!"
--That safe, secure happy feeling you get when you sit with a friend and watch movies all night in your PJs, all curled up and leaning against each other.
--The above, with a guy. Because they have good chests to lean against, and they're *guys,* and even if they're not available guys, they feel all big brotherly and nice. :D
--Having my volleyball coach say I did something well.
--Having anyone say I did something well!
--Dancing in the kitchen in stockinged feet to the music only you can hear.
--My new sunglasses.
--Getting people addicted to laughter.
--My beta-readers.
--Mica, because she knows just how to tell me what needs to be fixed while still making me feel like I"m a good writer, and because she's so patient with my 'my-writing-sucks!' fits.
--My new mooky elves.
--People who look in my sketchbook, and don't get weird when they see my 'mooky gay characters together' pic.
--Being all hot and sweaty and dunking my head under the hose.
--All the little protective/silly/inspirational things I have stuck all over and around my computer.
And lastly,


After I read this last night, I've been in an appallingly good mood. Sorry for being too cheerful at you folks... not! :)

*Sunshine in the city during my lunch break.
*Bear hugs.
*Talking about fics and comics and stuff with someone and not feeling like a freak. :)
*Talking on the phone with Yasmin or Seraph.
*When someone at work offers to do a coffee run and brings me back a lovely hot cafe latte just when I need it.
*Lying in the sun (with lots of sunscreen on, of course!)
*My Akubra hat that shades my face when I'm outside in summer.
*Clearing my desk at work.
*Baked potatoes with melted cheese.
*The smell of fresh herbs in the garden.
*Hugging trees, especially great big 100 year old eucalypts.
*My karate club.
*Escrima training, blisters and all.

Righteo, I'm headin' toward a funk again at the moment. Not sure exactly what caused it, but here goes nothing to circumvent it.

My Happy thoughts...

0 Sitting outside, the sun streaming down on my face and knowing I don't have to move unless I want to.
O A day completely devoid of anything that'll make me upset.
O My boyfriend's voice, especially when I've had a bad day and am in the depths of a blue funk. He's the only one I know that can bring me back to happy in only three words. :)
O Good friends.
O Good food
O Hugs
O Mookiness.
O Sherbet
O Musk Lifesavers
O A big fluffy nightgown
O A plushy toy.
O My boyfriend's smile. Heck, anything about him really. :)
O Laughing
O Roller Coasters
O Theme Parks
O Getting to go to America.
O Heck, the whole travel thing.
O Waking up beside the one you love.
O Being able to love.
O Being loved back.
O Small kittens.
O The Ocean, definitely the Ocean.
And lots of other stuff besides.


Okay, things that make me happy...

Peanut butter. I dunno why, I just like it.
Weird flavors of jelly. (Not mint though. Ew. I mean, like, boysenberry, or apricot. )
The bulleted list tag in HTML.
The smell of freshly mowed grass.
Sea air. Espically sea air you can smell before you get to the ocean.
Goldfish. Well, really, any brightly colored fish.
Riding on trains
Steamed crabs (American east coast Blue Crabs). Preferably with Old Bay seasoning.
Sitting up past my bedtime, playing cards and eating peanuts.
The last 15 minutes of a road trip.
Everyone in a car knowing the song that's playing on the radio/tape/cd and singing along.
My son's love of frogs.
Snorlax (The Pokemon)
Roller coasters
Fireworks AT amusement parks, preferably while I'm say, in line for a roller coaster.
Craisins (Dried cranberries)
My kids taking a nap leaning on me.
Holding hands
Feeding small pieces of food to a small child.
Cooking for friends and doing it well.
Being cooked FOR.
Getting flowers.
Going to sleep being snuggled.
Waking up being snuggled.
Heated waterbeds.
Laughing at something until my sides ache.
Making someone laugh until their sides ache.
Afghans. Crocheted ones.
Buttery waffles with broen sugar and cinnamon.
English Muffins (Crumpets for you non-Americans) with melted cheddar cheese.
Fritos. (Whaaat? You weren't EXPECTING this?)
Cream cheese.
Sour cream.
Fritos with either cream cheese, or sour cream as dip.
Snow higher than my knees.
Knowing how to drive in snow that is higher than my knees.
Scarves. Nice thick soft warm ones.
Multi-procesor CPU's.
Ram in amounts bigger than some old hard drives.
Phones that ring in odd noises. (Quacking, speaking, etc)
Colored Electrical tape.
New socks.

Okay, I'm done. That was kinda fun. We should do this more.

And turkey sandwhiches, on wheat, with cheddar cheese.

Things that make the Monster happy:

New grass
Hugs and daisies from kids
Making the work van back up the way *I* want!
My new itty-bitty hair clips that keep my bangs out of my face
The dozens of flower beds at school
Little tops
My new Roomie
Shiny dark red nail polish
The sweet little dog at work
Seeing a small child reach for me
Good comments from professors on my assignments
Finding my watch
Holding a little baby
Being able to sleep in past noon. Or even past 10.
Visiting my grandmother
Finding myself able to finish a story
Good hair days
Having friends who say I can come over to their place, for any ol' reason
Singing along to my CD's without anyone looking at me funny
Comfy pajamas

Red Monster

Oooh...what makes me happy...this is a fun one...

*Waking up in the cool morning, bundling up in the quilt my ganma made me, and know I don'thave to go to school today.
*The TANGO! Dancing a really fast, really wild tango without missing any steps or stomping on my partners toes and *knowing* I was good.
*The RUMBA! For the same reasons below.
*When I've got the whole house to myself for a couple of hours so I can crank up my stereo system as loud as I can to sing along and dance to Madonna.
*Those days when your complexion is *just* right, and your hair is doing something manageable, and you look in the mirror and think: Hey, I'm looking good today!
*Flirting with my brother's motorcycle-riding friend Adrian, who looks better in a pair of leather pants than any man has a right to!
*When Adrian gives me a ride on his motorcycle! Whoo!
*When my mother hugs me and then sends me into a giggle-fit by tickling me.
*Going to the movies with my gay friend, Chuck, and having a great time without worrying about him trying to feel me up.
*Peeking into the mailbox and seeing that little plastic bag with the words "THE AVENGERS!" or "THE FANTASTIC FOUR!" written on it.
*Falling asleep at night listening to the crickets sing me to sleep. And sometimes, late at night, you can even hear the owls hooting.


--This list.
--You guys.
--You guys responding to this list.
--THis list cheering you guys up!
--Vampire smiley face shoelaces.
--Ice cream.
--Sneezing so suddenly you even surprise yourself.
--Unexpected get-togethers.
--Comfy socks.
--Making faces.
--Water fights in the summer, when the concrete is warm beneath your toes and even the adults get into it.
--The song "All Star."
--Playing the music really loudly and obnoxously while driving down the freeway with the windows rolled down, singing along and car-dancing.
--Fish n' Chips.
--Getting random hugs from people.
--Giving random hugs just for the heck of it.
--My big ol' dragon candle that's not actually made for burning, but looks really cool.
--Dragons. Better yet, dragons given to me by other people.
--Unexpected gifts from friends. Even the verbal kind ("You look nice today!") or the tiny kind ("Look! I saw this flower and thought you'd like it!") or the nice kind ("I got you a lollipop!").
--My little sister, when she's in a good mood, because she becomes such a nice person.
--My birds around other people, when they decide to be bold instead of shy (which is most of the time).
--Frog princes.
--Doing silly things, like trying to touch your nose with your tongue.
--Happy Harem Hugs. ::HUGS!:: *G*


My good mood has crashed yet again, so I'm hoping that by listing more happy things, I'll cheer up. Almost all have to do with being away with my Native American tribe/band again for a weekend.

- Getting to come back to Native ceremonies.
- Hanging out with my kinda-adopted brother Terrence, who takes me to the comic shop and spends the day with me and my sister.
- Traveling anywhere, any way possible for hours and having fun doing it.
- Surprising people.
- Getting bear hugs and snugs and kisses from people who've known me forever, though I hardly see them.
- Lightning storms when I'm sleeping outside.
- The unique feeling of being helpful and working hard at 5:30 am when the sun is rising and everyone is happy around you.
- Being able to teach people how to do things.
- Being one of the best guardians and kitchen workers at ceremonies even though I'm only 17 and most of the people are twice my age.
- Having a second family who cares about me and makes sure I'm safe.

Nova Zion

Well, I figured I'd add my two cents..=)
-Friends(Which would pretty much just be all you guys, for the most part right now =))
-Subrealiconners(Wanna go to another of those..)
-Nighttime Walks
-My Collection of CDs -Reading
-Watching Movies
-Early Mornings(Whenever I get up on them, that is ;))
-Waking Up and going to Manhattan Bagel before class(Mmm..Caffeine..)
-Seeing Romantic type stuff =) (So I'm a sucker for that stuff..sue me.)
-Mindless Video games ;)
-My cat, no matter how much he annoys me at times
-Morning showers that go uninterrupted by family members turning on faucets
-Having a Conversation with someone you care about and/or seeing them smile
-The sounds of wind or waves
-Laughter, in any way =)
-Going to this great nearby chinese restaraunt for Lunch
-Amusement Parks
-Hanging out with friends
-Rain(Sometimes standing out in it, too)
-New Computer Chair
-Whenever I get to actually go to a comic shop
-Being able to help my friends at all or people in general
-Sitting on the back end of our diving board and just thinking, writing, listening to music or whatever
-Train rides
-Laying in bed and reading, before I go to sleep.

I'll prob'ly come up with more, as soon as I post this..=)

Because you asked. ;)

E-mails. To me.
Letters. Again, to me.
Being on a writing and/or drawing roll that just can't be stopped.
Making my friends, roommates, co-workers, anybody laugh. Or saying something that make them give shocked, I-can't-believe-you-*said*-that-you-always-look-so-unassuming exclamations.
JB beta-reading my stuff.
Wearing what I want to, just 'cause.
Chatting with Sascha.
Exchanging tacklesnuggles with Junkie.
Feeling pretty.
Listening to The Best of Bruce Springsteen on a quiet day with nothing to do.
Listening to Bon Jovi anytime.
Lying on the bed with my mom, touching and talking and getting interrupted by the rest of my family.
Walking in public with my arm around my brothers or dad.
Sharing silly rambles and remembered conversations with my mailing list.
Feedback. Nuff said.
Getting archiving requests.
People actually interested and wanting to write my characters.
Sharing my day with my roommate, and vice versa.
Huge oversized coffee cups.
My stuffed seal, Celtic.
My guy friends and brothers seizing Celtic and threatening (even cajoling) to take him back home with them. And the best part is, they're actually serious.
Conspiring. In a good way.
Having a cute guy check me out.
People from my college recognizing my name and comic strip.
Truly unexpected hugs.

Maelstrom :)

My turn... :)

The start of (American) football season.
The start of new seasons in general.
The color the leaves turn in autumn.
The window seat on an airplane.
A new paycheck.
Meeting my online friends in person for the first time.
Finally finishing writing, or programming projects.
Masterpiece video games like Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, and Final Fantasy.
Great action movies like Die Hard, Lethal Weapon, Speed, and Enter the Dragon.
The Goonies. :)
Bright sunshine.
Soft, green, fresh-cut grass.
Scoring a touchdown in a pick-up game of (American) football.
Sharing common interests with my family and friends.
Not wanting for anything in the world.

--Knowing adorable guys who are even adorable when they're sick.
--Shaggy Dog stories.
--Having . . . INTERESTING . .. things happen to me in IRC
--wearing tiny bells that chime delicately when I move.
--Having a crummy day and then going online and seeing a letter from a friend, or a friend in a chat room.
--Filling this out with help from the #KJCorner crew.

Back to the living room