[McDragon’s Memo: This was sent to me by Zanne. Ain’t she cool?]

The Dragon Song

A dragon came to our village today
We'd like him to leave, but he won't go away
He talked to our king and they worked out a deal
No home will he burn, and no stuff will he steal

Now there's but one catch, we dislikes it a bunch
Twice a year he invited him a virgin to lunch
We don't have much choice, so the deal we'll respect
But we can't help but ponder, and pause to reflect

Do virgins taste better than those who are not?
Are they saltier, sweeter, more juicy or what?
Do you savor them slowly, gulp them down on the spot?
Do virgins taste better than those who are not?

Now we'd like to be shut of you and many have tried
But none can get through your thick, scaly hide
We hope that real soon a brave soul will come by
For we can't wait around 'til you're too fat to fly

Now you have good taste in women that's sure
For they always are pretty, they always are pure
But your idea of a good time would make us all flinch
For your favorite repast is barbecued wench!

Now we have a solution, it worked out so neat
If you'll settle for nothing but virgins to eat
No longer will our numbers grow small
We'll simply make sure we've no virgins at all

Back to the living room