[McDragon's Memo: This is actually--sort of--a prayer, but it applies no matter the religion.]

I Walked By A Bench the Other Day
by Yam Selrake Nhoj

I walked by a bench the other day
And as I passed it I noticed a homeless man who was sitting upon it.
Just for a second I thought he looked familiar
Like an old friend who I hadn't seen in a while.

We had had such good times together,
We used to play games like Cowboys and Indians
We would have sleepovers and watch movies together
Until one day he moved.

Every once in a while we would write letters to each other
and let each other know how we were doing.
As most long distance friendships do, ours fell apart.

The last time I heard from him was when we were about thirteen.
He couldn't take it anymore, the drinking, the abuse,
And at only thirteen he ran away.

I started thinking to myself about what I would do if this man on the
bench were my friend from long ago.
I would invite him over to my house, give him a bath, talk about old
times and help him back on his feet.
This, I thought, would really please the Lord.

I decided to ask the man his name.

He told me his name and asked for some spare change.

Not recognizing the name I decidedly forgo about my
large bill fold and walked away.

Now, as I look back at this moment,
I ask myself one question:

I walked by a bench the other day,
And today decided to let convenience go
And let the Lord be my guide instead.