Subreality Times
Issue #5
Monday 29th, May, 2000

Lalalalala. Lalala. La. Yes, as you might have noticed, I'm somewhat chipper this evening. Just a bit. Why you ask? I. Just. Got. Done. With Finals. Muahahaha!

But that's only half of it. The other half is that some of YOU - are still taking them. You have NO idea how much pleasure it gives me to think of you being tortured. NO idea. Nyah!

Okeydokey. Now that you are starting to make inquiries about hitmen and my address, we can get to the news. It's like my pop always said. "The important thing is to have a strong emotion. Love or hate, that's just details."

Let us delve into the steamy underbelly... eww I just realized how yacky that sounds... EWWW I just used the word yacky...

The Bullet:

Well I can certainly forget about grouching about scarcity of news this week. Oooh baby!

Well as always, firstly about the Eco-Challenge RR. At this point it basically the only game in town. All others were ruthlessly crushed under its iron heel. Wheee. Betcha I know what you thinking right now. "Goddamn, it's the same thing he said for the last 4 Bullets!" Yes. I am trying to figure out how many times I can say it not using the same wording. Suffer!

The one of the most prominent affiliates of CFAN has been remodeled. The column IMHO maintained by Dex has been relocated and made weekly. Rejoice. The new addy is 129&id_list=64129&cookied=T

Current Affairs:
As promised there was a boom this week. Big boom. Ahhh. How I love the smell of MBs in the morning. What would I do without wonderful people willing to rehash same old arguments over and over and over and over. Ah, makes me feel all warm and squishy inside... Allll right, who put the Twinkie in my chair?!! Ahem.

Anyway. Over on Rant and Rave board we had a nice explosive thread about USA and how it's regarded by the rest of the universe. It's fairly dead now. Oh well. I, myself, was kinda hoping they would arrive to inevitable conclusion that USA fights to protect the world that hates and fears it. Doesn't ring any bells?

Shame on you! Shaaaaame. Which creates a nice transition to the more current row, taking place right above that one. (I'm so smart, I amaze myself sometimes.) Please don't feel shy and chime in. Let's discuss for the umpteenth time what should or should not be talked about in #subcafe. After all the topic must hold such utter fascination that is MUST NOT BE IGNORED, since it's been with brief intervals mulled, screamed and hissed over for two years now. Nooo, I wasn't there for all of it, but I hear things, doncha know... Truth is out there. No one is safe.

Now on the cheerful note. Do not be concerned if you chance to see a slightly scared Goth running through your neighborhood. You probably won't. Or you might, but then it'd be a totally different Goth and I'd advise you to change neighborhoods pronto. Anyway. The Goth in question is Raven. His running is just a speculation. It's the reaction I'd have if I read the thread dedicated to me, like the one to him on the Scratching Post. YAY! Viva Subreality! Sure, let the real world have Cassidy, Ricky Martin and Whatshisname. We don't need no steeenkin' teen idols. We have Goth idol!

Raven has been declared by a large portion of Subreality's better half to be (sigh) 'just dreamy' (sigh).

Well not really. The exact phrase if I remember correctly was 'right sexy bastard.' I'd run. Raven, dude, I'd run like NOW! The heartfelt sympathies of this publication go out to you. As does the offer of shelter and ammunition. And advice, if you see that you are in danger of being mobbed, play Brittany Spears. 99% of female Subreaizens will go into catatonic shock immediately.

Metropolitan news:

For the SCML citizens. Well, well, well. What do we have here... A LOT!

Firstly, She Who Apparently Never Sleeps, AKA Kielle has updated the SCentral again. There are now several recovered fics on the archive, which MUST be read by every patriotic citizen. These are classics, people. Besides they are good.

Secondly. The plans for major rebuilding and beautification program have been announced. The main goal is to make the city prettier and easier to navigate. Among changes there has been mentioned a plan to create a Subreality Doomsday Book. An Index. A phone book, for "especially gifted" in the audience. Every fic on the site will apparently have a "blurb" at some point. Or something similar. This announcement had created quite a stir. Small and not quite small mobs of people have been congregating to discuss the program. Many helpful suggestions are being made. Our condolences to Lady Scribe, who probably is very sorry she started this thing to begun with.

Thirdly: Our sources report that there are persistent rumours circulating that the Subatomic Mallard production shall resume shortly. If even a third of the rumors is true... Be Afraid. Be very Afraid. And buy guns. Lots and lots of guns.

Self - Aggrandizement: More then usual that is. I posted a fic on OTL. I received more then 2 feedback replies. I am GOD!

Other News:
If I were you I'd keep a look out for the #Behind the Scenes MB. It's been quiet so far, but the latest post has a nice potential for a "boom." Whee.

Also there have been several sightings of Dex. After leaving THOSD he's disappeared from public eye. But several people let spotted him around Subreality. No definite location has been assertained yet, but we have hopes. And money. So if YOU know -you might be rich.

Weather report:
Is it just me is this joke getting stale? Anyway. Bring your umbrellas. It's snowing ice cream on Summers Blvd this Tuesday, between 12-3pm.

See ya on the flip side.

Back to the living room